Kameron2674's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Kameron2674's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Kameron I love your spider in the web!! It is beautiful!! I love how you see the world!!
- Fredlissha (Mother) on October 27, 2019
Kam this looks amazing. Mommy loves seeing your artwork. I love the colors and shapes you used. Great job Bub!
-- Fredlissha
- on February 5, 2019
I love you, buddy. I think you are such a great artist! Look forward to seeing more of your work.
-- Deborah
- on December 25, 2018
I love you, buddy. I think you are such a great artist! Look forward to seeing more of your work.
-- Fredlissha
- on December 25, 2018
Bam Bam I love this. Is it a snowflake?? It's beautiful. Love, Mommy
-- Fredlissha
- on December 25, 2018
Kameron, I love your artwork. I love the sun and how it's shining and the face of your person is so clear: eye, nose and mouth! Great job, Kam Kam! Mommy's little artist!
-- Mom
- on November 7, 2018