G - This is spectacular. I love the colors against the white trees. You are very talented. I love you, Poppa.
- Mark on November 17, 2023
Nice work Buddy. love, Dad
- Daniel on October 25, 2023
LOVE this piece..and especially the color!! G..You are so talented! ??KayKay
- Kay Kay on September 7, 2023
looks great dude
- Daniel on September 7, 2023
G..I LOVE the “Blue Corn” art piece!! Blue is one of my favorite colors and I love the vase you created and the colors that you chose for both the corn and the container! You are SO talented and KayKay loves your gift of creativity and YOU!! Well Done!!!??????
- Kay Kay on September 7, 2023
I really like the brilliant colors that peek through the white tree bark. And the positioning of the trunks at different levels makes it look like I,m traveling deep into the woods. Great job! Mo
- Linda(fan) on September 7, 2023
Graham - I see your creativity, humor and intelligence in your work. Great Job!!!! Are those hands about to catch a football? Just guessing. Poppa
- Poppa G on October 27, 2021
Wow! Wow! Wow! Love the color selection and perfect arranging of the flowers!! G...you are SO very talented!! I am one very proud Kay Kay!! Love you!!????
- Kay Kay on October 23, 2019
Graham’s talent is unbelievable!! I absolutely LOVE viewing his artwork and find myself looking forward to the next email,... revealing his serious skills!! -- Kay Kay
- on October 23, 2019
G - You are so talented. I love your spring artwork. I love you too! -- Poppa