Ashlyn4857's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Ashlyn4857's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is so cool, Ashlyn! I love how creative you are! Fantastic job on your snowman or woman. I love how you mixed the colors to create a marbled look for the eyes, buttons and scarf!!
- Jennifer on March 2, 2022
I love it!! Great job, Ashlyn :-) You are so creative!
- Jennifer (Mother) on November 2, 2021
You put a lot of work into this picture, Ashlyn!! Nice job!!
-- Papa
- on November 21, 2019
Beautiful snowman, Ashlyn!! I love his hat and all the snow that's falling around him! Love, Papa
-- Papa
- on December 12, 2018
Great job, Ashlyn!! You're getting to be such a good artist!!
-- Papa
- on December 12, 2018