Eliott80's Comments (34)

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Below are comments about Eliott80's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great picture Elliott
- Sharon on March 13, 2024
Great piece of work E-man! Please keep up the great creativity! Love, Dad
- Dad on January 31, 2024
I really love this one! I'm going with a red fox, or a dog :) Looks great
- Dad on January 31, 2024
Eliott! I love the donuts :) What a great job! They all look very tasty, but I'm going with the chocolate one at the top right! I think we should get donuts this weekend!
- Dad on January 31, 2024
Elliot you did a great job on your Mbappe turkey ??
- Sharon on January 31, 2024
I'm such a fan of this transformed fish. I would hang it in my office! Great job Eliott Dad
- Jon (Father) on February 23, 2023
This tree is very well done Eliott. You're becoming quite the artist! Let's do some of this at home at the table!
- Jon (Father) on February 23, 2023
Love the owl!!! Nice piece of work big guy!
- Jon (Father) on February 23, 2023
Eliott! That is an amazing piece of work! Great head of a snake....I hope you allow me to have it at my desk at home :) Great job Buddy!
- Jon (Father) on February 23, 2023
Eliott, we love the snake that you created - the creativity, the color, the shape - it’s great!
- Kimberly (Mother) on February 22, 2023
Elliot it looks great. You did such a wonderful job on that tree
- Sharon on January 19, 2023
Great picture showing your creativity Eliott! You've become quite the artist! Please keep using that creativity! Love it.
- Jon (Father) on April 20, 2022
Eliott, I love this piece of art! Great octopus! I'd love to have this one on a coffee mug! Great job buddy :)
- Jon (Father) on April 20, 2022
Eliott- I just love the octopus you created recently! From the seaweed to the tentacles, it looks great! Keep that creativity flowing! ??
- Mom on April 20, 2022
Eliott - I love your newest ceramic creation! I love the bold green color -?it reminds me of a Minecraft Creeper! Keep up the great work and I cannot wait to see more of your artistic creations! ??
- Kimberly (Mother) on February 1, 2022
Eliott, I love this piece of art you created! My favorite part is Sirenhead holding or hugging the sun. Keep letting your creativity and imagination flow and I look forward to seeing more of your creations! I love you!
- Kimberly (Mother) on October 14, 2021
Eliott - I love your troll picture! I love how you chose different colors for the hair and he is a happy troll! Great job! Love - Mom
- Kimberly (Mother) on February 12, 2020
Hi Eliott....I love your newest picture. You are doing such a great job with your artwork! Keep up the good work....miss you like crazy and love you lots! Grandma Landschulz
- Sue on February 12, 2020
Eliott, what a great picture! I love it! Keep up the good work??
- Sue on February 12, 2020
Eliott, I love your owl! You are so imaginative and creative. Keep it up!! ~Mom
- Kimberly (Mother) on October 28, 2019
Eliott, what a great dinosaur. What a good job you did.
-- Sharon
- on April 10, 2019
Love this creation too E! Glad to have it on my desk at work :)
-- Jon
- on January 28, 2019
Great piece of artwork Eliott! Love this!!!! You're a great artist. :)
-- Jon
- on January 28, 2019
Eliott, once again you have really done some really cool picture! How creative is this one? I love it! Keep up the very good work. Love you! Grandma L
-- Sue
- on January 28, 2019
Eliott, I LOVE this this artwork. I can see that it's the ocean with seaweed and fish. Great job and great use of color!!
-- Kimberly
- on January 23, 2019
Hi Eliott.....I just saw the newest picture that you drew. All I can say is Fantastic Job! I think you have your Dad's art talent. Keep up the good work. This is awesome! Love you! Grandma L
-- Sue
- on January 9, 2019
Wow, great spider and web Eliott! you're doing a great job! You make Mommy and I very proud! Keep up the great work!
-- Jon
- on January 7, 2019
That's a great caterpillar Big E! I can't wait to be able to hang this up at Home!
-- Jon
- on January 7, 2019
Hey Big guy. This is my favorite so far! I love your imagination! :) I can't wait to see more Big E. Love you!
-- Jon
- on January 7, 2019
Elliot I love all of your artwork, but this is my favorite so far...great job! Miss you like crazy and love you a squillion! Love, Grandma L
-- Sue
- on January 7, 2019
Eliott, this new picture is really great! I love getting to see your artwork....keep up the good work. Love, Grandma L Miss you like crazy and love you lots....
-- Sue
- on October 17, 2018
Hi Eliott, I just saw your picture and I love it! It reminds me of all the fall colors that we will be seeing soon. You did a great job and I love you and miss you like crazy!
-- Sue
- on October 17, 2018
Very nice use of color here Eliott. I love your imagination!
-- Kimberly
- on October 4, 2018
Wow Eliott! Great job, looks like a Van Gogh!
-- Daddy
- on September 25, 2018