Bryce9355's Comments (24)

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Below are comments about Bryce9355's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hey Bryce! Wow, your town has everything! Looking forward to watching you play football this weekend. Love Grandma and Grandpa.
- John & Joan on January 19, 2022
Hey Bryceman! There sure is a lot of creative work going on here. Self protraits are usually pretty interesting. Keep up the good work! Love Grandma and Grandpa.
- John & Joan on January 19, 2022
great work see you at christmas
- John & Joan on January 19, 2022
looks like you reindeer is ready for christmas, merry christmas
- John & Joan on January 19, 2022
great family picture. you did a real good job love grandma and grandpa
- John & Joan on January 19, 2022
looks like you are ready for halloween. keep up the good work and maybe you will get lots of candy. love grand=ma and grandpa
- John & Joan on January 19, 2022
- John & Joan on January 19, 2022
sure is a lot of hearts on that picture. you must love it a lot. Almost as much as we love you grandma and grandpa
- John & Joan on January 19, 2022
nice job Bryce! your family inside a heart is just perfect for valentine's day. keep up the good work. love grandma and grandpa.
- John & Joan on January 19, 2022
that is the best Rudolph ever! His nose could light up the whole night sky. See you and him at Christmas! Merry Christmas!!! love grandma and grandpa.
- John & Joan on December 18, 2019
hey Bryce great turkey looks too good to eat love grandma and grandpa
- John & Joan on December 18, 2019
bryce all your artwork is fantastic!!!! Keep up the great work. love, grandma and grandpa.
- John & Joan on December 18, 2019
Bryce, your artwork is just amazing! We are just so proud of how well you have done with it. Keep sending us more pictures. We really enjoy them. love Grandma and Grandpa.
-- John & Joan
- on December 18, 2019
that snowman looks a lot happier than we are about the cold weather. but he looks real cool!
-- John & Joan
- on December 18, 2019
bryce that is one good looking bear! you are becoming quite the artist. fantastic!
-- John & Joan
- on December 18, 2019
sure is a nice looking family. go chiefs! love grandma and grandpa
-- John & Joan
- on February 6, 2019
that looks like me after a hard day! were you thinking of us when you drew it? good job. love, grandma and grandpa.
-- John & Joan
- on February 6, 2019
that looks like a big snowstorm. i hope your houses don't get covered up. love grandma and grandpa.
-- John & Joan
- on February 6, 2019
what a big red nose! i wonder what his name might be. maybe we will find out at Christmas. see you soon, love grandma and grandpa
-- John & Joan
- on February 6, 2019
bryce that sure looks like you. nice to see you got a great big smile. love grandma and grandpa.
-- John & Joan
- on February 6, 2019
nice colors! love the teeth! we want a copy of that. we have to start calling you bryceangelo. love grandma and grandpa
-- John & Joan
- on October 25, 2018
what a scary looking pumpkin! what are you going to be for halloween? good job! love grandma and grandpa.
-- John & Joan
- on October 25, 2018
what a cute pig! your mom had a pink pig when she was your age. but yours is a lot cuter. love grandma and grandpa.
-- John & Joan
- on October 25, 2018
hey bryce, great job!!! You are really quite an artist. We love all the different colors. Keep up the good work. Love grandma and grandpa.
-- John & Joan
- on October 5, 2018