Marcus6538's Comments (68)

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Below are comments about Marcus6538's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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We love the picture of the catcus it reminds us of our Arizona trip last summer ??
- Deidre on December 6, 2023
Such a cool picture Marcus ?? Your imagination is awesome ??
- Deidre on December 6, 2023
Such a cool picture Marcus ?? Your imagination is awesome ??
- Deidre on December 6, 2023
very cool, makes me want to go to the beach
- DAD on February 8, 2023
did you say cake
- DAD on February 8, 2023
wow that looks great, the sky looks really cool
- DAD on February 8, 2023
That is nice art, well done, Grandpa
- George on September 21, 2022
Really neat picture Marcus... Love the ominous sky that offers a errie feeling while making a nice contrast with the black/shaded grass and flowers in the foreground. Love you buddy! Keep making good decisions and making Geeg and I proud! Pawps
- Pawpaw on September 21, 2022
Great work, Marcus!
- Kay on September 21, 2022
Marcus: That picture makes me think of springtime... I really like the 3-D aspect of it too! I can almost smell those flowers... Nice color scheme as well! Love you pal, keep making Geeg and Pawps proud...
- Pawpaw on September 21, 2022
Hey there Marcus! I really get the jungle feel when looking at this artwork... nice use of the yellows and green and the blending of the two! I am not sure what that creature is lurking in the jungle but I am glad I'm not really there... Great work! KJeep making me and GeeGee proud! Love you buddy! Pawps
- PawPaw on September 21, 2022
Marcus, Wow! I just seen your brothers rendition of this untitled art work... You guys really are twins! Both of you nailed this picture with the shadow side of the snowman! I was trying to help him put a name on it so let me give you some ideas too... How about "Dark Winter" or "Waiting for Santa"... I am sure you can pick a better name but either way the picture and colors are great! Love you pal, keep making Pawps and Geeg proud!
- Pawpaw on September 21, 2022
Clever... I like the contrast! So that is what they mean when they say someone is "two-faced" Love you pal! Pawps and Geeg
- Pawpaw on September 21, 2022
Marcus: Looks like a scary Halloween picture on a paper plate..? If i squint my eyes it looks like you ate a hotdog with ketchup and mustard on the plate before you started to draw... Love it! Pawps and Geeg
- Pawpaw on September 21, 2022
Hey... my favorite color is Blue too! I like the self portrait hanging on the wall... We love you buddy, keep making Pawps and Geeg proud. Love you!
- Pawpaw on September 21, 2022
Marcus: Nice looking picture of the downtown skyline... I see your Moms building is in the picture... Looks great, keep up the good work! Love you Pawps and Geeg
- Pawpaw on September 21, 2022
Nice contrast work, Marcus!
- Kay on September 21, 2022
Marcus: Very Cool (and Warm) Bug... It does remind me of spring time! nice color selection and realism. Better get the fly-swatter and salt gun ready... Thanks for sharing pal, nice work and keep making Pawps and Geeg proud. Love you!
- Pawps on September 21, 2022
Hey Mark! Looking good my main man, very cool picture. I am surprised at the level of likeness you were able to achieve in this picture (Even though you are way better looking in real life) Love the Colors and Stars that you added... real nice touch. Love you buddy! Keep making me and Geeg proud and always give thanks to God! We will see you and your brothers this Saturday! Pawps and Geeg
- Paw Paw on September 21, 2022
Wow... that really cool! Looks like I need to trim those finger nails though... Love you Buddy! Pawps and Geeg
- Paw Paw on September 21, 2022
Looks like a colorful, warm cap, Vincent! Grandma
- Kay on September 21, 2022
Marcus: Really like the hat and the real yarn-ball on top... the colors are awesome and go great with the winter feel and cold blue backdrop... keep making Pawp's and Geeg proud! We love you very much, nice work! PawPaw and Geeg
- PawPaw on September 21, 2022
Marcus, that is a cool picture... What if you seen a moose at the farm while you are deer hunting..? That would be awesome... GeeGee and I really like the picture and the cleaver name of the piece. Keep making us proud and always do what's right and love Jesus too. Love you, Pawps and Geeg
- PawPaw on September 21, 2022
WOW... Marcus that is really nice! Love the colors and the feel of winter. The haze is so thick it changed the color of the sun and the snow covered trees really add to this piece. Love it buddy! keep making me and GeeGee proud and always ask yourself what would Jesus do..? Love, Pawps and Geeg
- PawPaw on September 21, 2022
Nice picture, Marcus. Grandma
- Kay on September 21, 2022
Marcus: Nice work on the self portrait... is that Thorn in the picture with you? Looking good and glad you are getting back to school. Looking forward to more artwork as the year goes on. Love you buddy! Pawps
- paw paw on September 21, 2022
Marcus: Love monster... great picture that really screams monster... and love! His heart is showing and his little half smiles tells the story. I like it! Love you pal! geeg and pawps are proud of you! Paw Paw and Gee Gee
- Paw Paw on February 12, 2020
What an artist you are! Loved your picture. We love you!!! Grandma
- Kay on February 12, 2020
What an artist you are! Loved your picture. We love you!!! Grandma
- Kay on February 12, 2020
Marcus: I love your family portrait! And how you put your mother in the center of the heart that is very nice of you. That is really great work keep making Papa and Gigi proud. We love you buddy
- Paw paw on February 12, 2020
Wow! Marcus that has to be Rudolph... no if's and's or but's about it! Good thing the deer daddy shot didn't have that nose... or Christmas would be over! Great work buddy! Keep making Pawp's and Geeg proud, we love you a bunch! PawPaw
- PawPaw on February 12, 2020
Marcus: Pawps loves the Turkey! One of these days we will get one at the farm... until then we just buy Butterballs and roast them up! cant wait until Thanksgiving cause I love turkey and mashed taters! Great job, love you lots! Pawps
- Paw Paw on February 12, 2020
Marcus... That picture looks just like Gee Gee's alphabet soup pasta in a big bowl. I don't know about you but I and getting hungry just looking at it. Love you buddy! keep making me and Gee Gee proud! Love PawPaw
- Paw Paw on February 12, 2020
Making me hungry for some soup.
- Grandpa George on February 12, 2020
Marcus... I love the look on the cats face! I don't like spiders either, so I guess I am kind of a "Scaredy Cat" too! Keep up the good work, Geeg and I are very proud of you. Love you, Pawps
- PawPaw on February 12, 2020
Marcus... I think we have a mouse problem and need to set some traps... what do you think? Mice are pretty destructive little creatures... I seen them chew through wire before and break stuff! Lets get some traps! Love you Marcus! PaPa and GeeGee are very proud of you! Love Pawps'
- PaPa on February 12, 2020
Awesome jar of lighting bugs pal... I cant believe summer is over and the bugs are almost all gone... oh well... Halloween is coming! Love you Marcus... keep making pawps proud! See you tomorrow! PaPa
- PaPa on February 12, 2020
Nice drawing, Marcus! We love you!!! Grandma
- on February 12, 2020
Nice painting, Marcus!
- on September 11, 2019
Great Fish Marcus... I like that it found a sunken ship at the bottom of the sea... Kind of like the Goonies and one-eyed Willie... IO wonder if there is RICH Stuff on that ship... Great job, keep making me and GeeGee proud! Love you little man! PawPaw
-- Pawpaw
- on September 5, 2019
Marcus... I can almost hear the cockadoodledoo and imagine the sun rising when I look at the chicken picture... I think I like my chicken better when I get it at the Pizza Ranch... what about you? Great job! gee gee and pawpaw are very proud of you. You are growing up into such a smart good looking little man like your brothers. Keep up the good work! Love you, Pawps
-- Pawpaw
- on April 27, 2019
Marcus: I love the sheep... Your Brother did a picture like this one too and they are both excellent! I like the depth and 3-dimensional feel to them. Great work! Have you ever ate leg of lamb? I will have Gee Gee cook one for us... its delicious! Love you buddy... keep making pawpaw proud.
-- Paw Paw
- on April 27, 2019
Great Alphabet Marcus... makes me hungry for Gee Gees meatball soup with alphabet pasta is it... You the man buddy... keep making paw paw proud! Love you! Pawps
-- Pawpaw
- on April 27, 2019
Marcus: Really nice polar bear... but lets concentrate on Spring time and getting cold snowy weather behind us... Love the shapes you used to assemble the bear and the marking that give it a real nice finish... Cant wait for Summer and Paw Paws ice-cream machine. Pawps is proud of you boy!!! Love you and keep up the good work!
-- PawPaw
- on April 27, 2019
Marcus: You naughty Kitten you've lost a Mitten..! Great job Mark, keep up the good work you are making your PawPaw very proud! Love you buddy! PawPaw
-- PawPaw
- on April 27, 2019
Marcus: I love the snowman... he is listening to music on his head phones, really "cool" idea. Lets get out next time it snows and build a giant snowman!!! Keep up the good work! Love you pal, Paw Paw
-- Paw Paw
- on April 27, 2019
Looks like your family, Marcus. Good job! Love you, Grandma
-- Kay
- on April 27, 2019
Wow Marcus, I could have guessed that was your family even if I didn't know you did it! very good representation of the whole group... love that you remembered Thorn and the Cat... And Moms High Heel shoes are awesome too... Her and Dad were probably going out on the town and you guys were on your way to Paw-Paw & Gi-Gi's house? Keep up the Great Work buddy! Love you Paw-Paw
-- PawPaw
- on April 27, 2019
Marcus your family art is fantastic, you have everything even the dog and cat. Grandpa George.
-- Grandpa George
- on April 27, 2019
Oink Oink... makes me want some BACON and eggs... love the curly tail in the back. Also some really nice colors in this piggy picture. Love you Marcus, keep up the good work! PawPaw
-- PawPaw
- on January 16, 2019
Great pumpkin Marcus... If it just had one big tooth it would remind me of Nanny McFee Great job, keep up the good work! Love you, PawPaw
-- PawPaw
- on January 16, 2019
Marcus: That is a great self portrait... I love the USA too, always love your country our God and Family! You are doing really good... keep working hard! Love PawPaw
-- PawPaw
- on January 16, 2019
Wow... looks like a big Turkey. I love Thanksgiving, we have so much to be thankful for! God is so good! Love you buddy! PawPaw
-- PawPaw
- on January 16, 2019
Marcus: I hope you got everything you wanted from Santa... it was awesome that he got you your drum set... keep practicing you are doing really good. Love PawPaw
-- PawPaw
- on January 16, 2019
Marcus: That is a great nose on Rudolf... I hope I get a Deer with all those points on his antlers... Good job, Love PawPaw
-- PawPaw
- on January 16, 2019
I like your Christmas town, Marcus!
-- Kay
- on January 16, 2019
WOW!!! What a great PINK Pig that is... All the detail and colors are great... I really like the curly tail. Keep up the good work! Love you , PawPaw
-- PawPaw
- on January 16, 2019
Really good work Marcus... I see Santa and the reindeer pulling the sled... Have you been good enough for Santa to stop by your house? Be sure to tell your mom and dad how much you love them every day! I love you pal, keep up the good work! Paw Paw
-- PawPaw
- on January 16, 2019
Marcus: I can just imagine Rudolf landing on the roof of your house while Santa scurry's down the chimney with your presents... Paw Paw loves you buddy, always treat your parents with respect and love everyone.
-- PawPaw
- on January 16, 2019
I love the USA very proud of you son. Love Dad
-- Dad
- on January 16, 2019
nice turkey Marcus love to see him flying. Love Dad
-- Dad
- on January 16, 2019
Marcus: That turkey is trying to get away... but I am hungry and its Thanks Giving time... We have such a beautiful family and Pa Pa is so proud of you and your brothers. Great job little man! Love Pa Pa
-- Pawpaw
- on January 16, 2019
-- DAD
- on January 16, 2019
Great picture, Marcus!6
-- Kay
- on October 17, 2018
Scary teeth on this monster
-- Dad
- on October 17, 2018
awesome Robot Marcus great shapes
-- Dad
- on October 17, 2018
Hey Marcus I love your artwork!!! They’re both super cool ?? love you buddy love GiGi
-- Deidre
- on October 17, 2018
I love this one sweetie!
-- Momma
- on September 23, 2018