Samuel18226's Comments (54)

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Below are comments about Samuel18226's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Sam, I am drawn to the skull’s stitched mouth and the holes for its mouth. A very nice piece for the themed project. Grandma Jackie
- Jacqueline on March 12, 2025 NEW
You can take me out to the ballgame Sam. A realistic drawing. Batter up!
- Jacqueline on June 5, 2024
Nice work, Sam. I'm glad it was fun working on this project with your friend!
- Grandma Barbara on February 21, 2024
Wow Sam very cool card! Love it! Grandma Jackie
- Jacqueline on February 21, 2024
Red your favorite color Sam, and Stewart looks great in it. I so enjoy your artwork. Keep up the creativity. Grandma Jackie
- Grandma Jackie on February 14, 2024
There's a lot going on in this picture! I'd love to hear the stories behind each drawing. You have me hooked, Sam.
- Grandma Barbara on January 10, 2024
There is a lot of activity in this artwork! I love the burst of orange.
- Barbara on April 5, 2023
Nice patterns you created, Sam. Looks like a fun project!
- Grandma Barbara on March 15, 2023
I love the colors and your comment about weaving Sam. Your piece is “eye popping happy.” Grandma Jackie
- Jacqueline on March 13, 2023
I love this! Looks even cooler on paper. Great job.
- Elise (Mother) on November 29, 2022
The Sam is cool - just like its creator! I'd like to see this as a garden sculpture. Nice job.
- Grandma Barbara on November 2, 2022
I see your name on this piece of artwork. Very creative Sam.
- Grandma Jackie on November 2, 2022
I love this little guy. He looks like he should be swimming in the St Clair River.
- Grandma Jackie on May 11, 2022
"Birt" looks all fluffed up and ready for a swim! What fun to get to work with clay in your art class!
- Grandma Barbara on May 11, 2022
Beautiful! Looks like fine stained glass art. Nice job, Sam.
- Barbara on March 17, 2022
Your owl is so colorful and you have captured a true “owl who hoots at who “ look. I also appreciate his talons, they appear very strong.
- Jacqueline on January 19, 2022
Very colorful and creative! Made me smile. Love, mom
- Elise (Mother) on January 10, 2022
Nice job, Sam! Your bright, colorful castle makes me feel happy. It brightened my day!
- Grandma Barbara on January 10, 2022
This is so cool!
- David (Father) on November 19, 2021
I would like to meet this owl in our woods here in Washington!
- Grandma Barbara on November 19, 2021
I'm loving this guy! xo Mom
- Mom on November 12, 2021
That is super cool, man. Nice job!
- David (Father) on November 12, 2021
I can feel the thrill of these two spaceships flying so close together!
- Barbara on April 14, 2021
That's an awesome x-wing and y-wing!
- David (Father) on April 9, 2021
Very creative, Sam! This would look beautiful on a real Christmas tree.
- Grandma on February 3, 2021
Love how you added so many fun Halloween elements! xoxo
- Mom on November 18, 2020
Ghosts, bats, spiders, pumpkins and a scary boo! Very festive picture for Halloween! Love, Grandma
- Barbara on November 4, 2020
I wish this painted building was in my town! Very creative, Sam.
- Grandma Barbara on May 27, 2020
Beautiful! How nice of that mama robin to allow Sam the artist to capture this photo. Well done!
- Grandma Barbara on May 27, 2020
This figure reminds me of a baseball player jumping high for a fly ball. It looks to me like he caught it! Nice job, Sam.
- Grandma Barbara on May 27, 2020
Thank you for teaching me how to make this figure! It looks great! Love, mom
- Elise (Mother) on May 4, 2020
I looked through your art gallery Sam, your drawings brought smiles to my face. I also enjoyed the photo of the robin's nest and eggs. I think that robin egg blue is one of the prettiest colors in nature. Don't let go of your creativity Sam, it is a gift.
- Grandma Jackie on April 29, 2020
I had such a fun time making this super cute and special bunny with you, Sam. Love, mom
- Elise (Mother) on April 14, 2020
Emergency vehicles to the rescue! Those first responders need to hurry. I could hear that Big Boom in Seattle!
- Barbara on April 29, 2020
I wonder if he enjoys it in there :)
- Mary (teacher at Lyon Elementary School (K-2)) on April 9, 2020
I notice some of your colors in the cave are darker. They help you describe how deep that tiger cave is!
- Mary (teacher at Lyon Elementary School (K-2)) on April 9, 2020
I notice the text and the image you chose help to make your message clear!
- Mary (teacher at Lyon Elementary School (K-2)) on April 9, 2020
I notice you were able to create a digital collage AND add text to communicate your message. The repeated lines in the background also help to communicate the strength and power behind your message!
- Mary (teacher at Lyon Elementary School (K-2)) on April 9, 2020
I love this fish in lemonade it shouts " Harsens Island in the summer". Plenty of fish and yummy lemonade. You are quite the artist Sam to invoke such a statement with your art.
- Jacqueline on April 6, 2020
This tiger looks comfy in his cave. Is he ready for a “cat nap”? Well done, Sam!
- Grandma Barbara on April 6, 2020
Do I see that fish puckering her lips? Lucky fish to be swimming in a sea of lemonade! Very creative, Sam.
- Grandma Barbara on April 6, 2020
Sam, beautiful! I see a vista that is looking out onto Lake Michigan. What do you see?
- Barbara on March 30, 2020
Very fun art, Sam! I could eat this hotdog up!
- Elise (Mother) on March 4, 2020
No predators will see this tiger at daybreak! Nicely done, Sam.
- Grandma on March 4, 2020
Yum! Best looking hotdog I’ve seen in a long time. More mustard, please! Very creative, Sam. Love, Grandma
- Grandma on March 4, 2020
Ahoy Matey! I can picture this pirate ship rolling through the waves of the Salish Sea. I can hardly wait to see what’s next.
- Grandma on December 4, 2019
Good job with your art, Sam! xoxo
- Elise (Mother) on October 9, 2019
I love your Cubs drawing, Sam. Go Cubs go!
- Grandma on October 9, 2019
This is a very cute animal! I bet there is a story that goes with this drawing.
- Grandma on October 9, 2019
That looks like a really fast car! Great work Sam!
-- David
- on March 19, 2019
I love your colors and composition. Your art makes me smile.
-- Jacqueline
- on March 19, 2019
Wow! Sam, you have your own art gallery! Grandpa and I can keep track of your creativity by checking on this site. It sure looks hot in your desert picture. Keep up the good work!
-- Barbara
- on March 19, 2019
Looking good, Sammy! Love seeing all this art!
-- Elise
- on March 14, 2019
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