Lillian9056's Comments (58)

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Below are comments about Lillian9056's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This looks like your mom and you at the same time! Great job on the mouth- I always have trouble with mouths and noses. Maybe you can help me out.
- Grandma on January 25, 2024
I love the different, vibrant colors you used for the roses!
- Grandma on January 25, 2024
This is a happy picture!
- Granny Janny on October 18, 2023
Love this! The style of your work reminds me of Pablo Picasso’s cubism and the colors remind me of Georgia O’Keeffe’s New Mexico. This puts your art in pretty good company. :)
- Granny Janny on October 18, 2023
I can relate. There are days I feel exactly like a potato. You capture emotion so well in this drawing, Lilly. That is not an easy task. Great work!
- Granny Janny on October 18, 2023
Oh oh. I think they need a bigger boat! I love the layout and I love the colors!
- Granny Janny on October 18, 2023
This person looks like they have had a very hard time during the day. Just want to give them a hug but feel like it might be hard for them to accept comfort and love.
- Grandma on July 12, 2023
Hope that whale doesn’t jump out of the water!
- Grandma on July 12, 2023
One cool looking dude!
- Grandma on July 12, 2023
With the colors that you used you can almost feel all of the emotions that are surrounding and going through your person.
- Grandma on April 19, 2023
That’s SCARY and well done at the same time! I’m not sure if he is smiling or getting ready to chomp something. Proportions are well done Lillian!
- Grandma on March 15, 2023
This sculpture is one of my favorites! I love how you captured the motion. Very impressive, Lilly!
- Granny Janny on February 15, 2023
I like the attire! Go Blue!
- Granny Janny on February 15, 2023
This is really neat how you made this sculpture using aluminum foil and duct tape. What is the best part? You gave the sculpture movement! You can envision the person either dancing or getting blown by the wind!
- Grandma on February 8, 2023
Lillian this is AMAZING! The symmetry is spot on. Keep up the great work :D
- Grandma on February 1, 2023
Lilly, I like how your picture has a person in both the foreground and the background. It looks like this took place in summer. Wonderful work.
- Grandma on October 12, 2022
I am interested in learning the background story for this drawing. :) Nice arrangement of the figures!
- Granny Janny on September 21, 2022
A tropical fish! I love the colors and I especially love the eye peeking out from beneath his brow. The fish looks like he’s a bit wary of whatever is approaching him. Great work!
- Granny Janny on September 21, 2022
I am just viewing this now. I need to visit this art gallery more often! The colors you used and the layout and the movement that is shown in the figures are all amazing! What a beautiful piece of art, Lilly!
- Granny Janny on September 21, 2022
This looks like it was a two week project. Was it? It looks like you did the dabbing of the blue paint first and then the green. It looks neat!
- Grandma on March 30, 2022
Lilly, I really like how you chose the colors of your striped fish. It looks like this was a fun project!
- Grandma on March 30, 2022
Lilly, I like the color choices you made for this art piece. The way you did light and shadow makes your picture have movement, and that’s not easy to do! Job well done by dear. : D
- Grandma on March 30, 2022
Lillian, I like how your self portrait has you with your hair down. A face is very tricky to do, and you are doing a fine job of learning how to put the eyes, nose and mouth all in proportion. Keep up the hard work!
- Grandma on March 30, 2022
I like the portrait, Lilly! The facial features are nicely drawn. You are very talented.
- Granny Janny on March 30, 2022
I really love your “Grumpy Monkey” painting, Lilly! You have nicely filled in the background with both dark and light overlapping colors so it makes it look just like the monkey is deep in a jungle ... and he does not look at all happy about being disturbed. Haha. Your monkey actually looks very much like I do when awakened too early in the morning. :) Love - Granny Janny
- Granny Janny on November 17, 2021
I love the picture of the gecko, Lilly! He looks like he is relaxing after a long day of doing whatever it is that geckos do all day. :) Years and years ago, I had two pet newts, “Red Belly” and “Orange Belly.” Your gecko reminds me a lot of them. Very colorful! Love you - Granny Janny
- Granny Janny on November 17, 2021
Lillian, Supa Gina looks like she is able to handle any situation that comes her way! I hope to see more of Supa Gina in the future and to hear about her adventures!
- Grandma on July 1, 2020
A nice abstract work of art, Lilly!
- Granny Janny on May 20, 2020
I like your choice of colors here, Lilly!
- Granny Janny on May 20, 2020
This picture reminds me a bit of the book “The Little House” - where the city slowly starts to encroach on the farm land and the little house out in the country. The book has a very happy ending. :) I like the rainbow in the sky!
- Granny Janny on May 20, 2020
Intriguing! :)
- Granny Janny on May 20, 2020
The colors are great! Nice job, Lilly!
- Granny Janny on May 20, 2020
I like this composition, Lilly. You have pulled all elements together nicely to make a very interesting piece of art.
- Granny Janny on May 20, 2020
I love the colors in this painting!
- Granny Janny on May 20, 2020
This is such a nice family portrait, Lilly!
- Granny Janny on May 20, 2020
Ariel looks beautiful! She should be very happy with your portrait of her, Lilly.
- Granny Janny on May 20, 2020
This picture makes me smile! It looks like they are dancing to “Under the Sea.”
- Granny Janny on May 20, 2020
This reminds me of the Rainbow Fish!
- Grandma on May 20, 2020
Lilly, I can tell that you took your time to find just the right black walnut shell with a heart in it for your art piece! The flowers are beautiful and I love how you made a heart with your hands! You are so creative. Keep up the wonderful job that you are doing. : )
- Grandma on May 20, 2020
Family portrait
- Grandma on May 20, 2020
Lillian- your mermaid looks just like Ariel! Great job!
- Grandma on May 20, 2020
Hi Lilly, The picture of the jellyfish is nicely done. I like how you made each jellyfish with faces. The one jellyfish that is standing on its head must do gymnastics like you! Keep up the great work : )
- Grandma on April 22, 2020
Lillian, Your Indian Corn colors reminds me of all the beautiful colors that we get to enjoy in the fall. Keep up the terrific work that you are doing! Love, Grandma
- Grandma on April 22, 2020
Lillian, Your art work continues to improve every time I see it. I can tell that you are paying attention to not only the directions, but to the details as well. Keep up the great job! love, Grandma
- Grandma on April 22, 2020
Lillian, I love all the colors you used! Making all those different lines must have taken you awhile. Which line was your favorite to make? Keep up the good work! Grandma
- on October 9, 2019
This reminds me of The Lion King! I love your drawing, Lilly!!
- on October 9, 2019
I love the style of your work here, Lilly. You show a lot of movement with your brush strokes!
- on October 9, 2019
Lilly, your use of color is impressive! This work of art captures not only my attention but my imagination. What a fascinating creature you have created!!
- on October 9, 2019
You have dressed your bird in beautifully-colored plumage, Lilly! I like the way you have drawn him. He seems to be strutting quite proudly.
- on October 9, 2019
I have always enjoyed collages! Nice work, Lilly!!
- on October 9, 2019
Great looking basket, Lilly!! I like the creative use of beads for the handle.
- on October 9, 2019
Lilly, I have not visited Artsonia in a long time so today when I came here it was like going through the Detroit Institute of Arts! What a lot of fun and fascinating works of art you have been creating. I love your use of colors and shapes in your latest piece. Really nice!
- on October 9, 2019
Lilly, your basket is BEAUTIFUL! you did a terrific job.
-- Grandma
- on May 15, 2019
I like the choices of color that you used for your collage tower Lilly. You made it an inviting place, someplace that would be fun to go to.
-- Grandma
- on May 8, 2019
Lilly, You did a really terrific job on this rooster. It reminds me of the ones we see at Firestone Farm.
-- Grandma
- on April 27, 2019
Lillian, I LOVE your cardinals! They look like the ones I see in my trees. Keep up the terrific work. Love,
-- Grandma
- on December 30, 2018
I like how creative you got with this one Lilly!
-- Grandma
- on November 28, 2018
Lillian, You did an excellent job with the face of the animal! I can see that you took your time to do a quality job. Keep up the terrific work. : )
-- Grandma
- on November 28, 2018