Bella6758's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Bella6758's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Sweetie Pie! You did such a great job building your "fairy house" and I'll bet you wish you could take "Lulu" and "Luna" and actually go there for a nice visit. It looks like it even has a swimming pool. We love you, Harbi and Hemi.
- Neil on May 20, 2020
Dear Bella, I love your “Fairy House”! You are a wonderful artist. Love from Grammie????
- Hatsy on May 16, 2020
Bella, I see a little girl with stars all around her. When I see you, I see those same stars all around you! I think you will go far as an artist!!
- Neil on February 5, 2020
Bella, This is a great portrait and I love the name you gave this piece. I am so happy you love to create art! It's a great way to express yourself. Love, Umma.
- Claira (Mother) on December 19, 2019
Bella, This is truly a masterpiece in the making! Keep up the good work! I love you! Harbi
- Neil on December 13, 2019
Bella, I really love your art work! I think any dog would appreciate how much you love them. I know Lulu would thank you if she could talk. Keep up the good work, I will be looking forward to seeing more of your art! I love you, Harbi
- Neil on December 13, 2019
Bella, We are so proud of the wonderful artist you are!!
- Hatsy/ Grammie on December 13, 2019