Maddox2514's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Maddox2514's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great Job Maddox!!!
- Grandma Tammy on April 20, 2022
Loved your landscape artwork. Great job!!!!
- Tammy on April 20, 2022
Wow Maddox this is really a cool picture! The ice cream cone looks yummy!
- Grandma Lori on April 20, 2022
I love this. Is this a giant ice cream cone? I love all of your colors.
- Grandma Tammy on April 20, 2022
I noticed you used a lot of blue? Is that your favorite color? Papa likes blue. I see you added red to the top. That really looks good with the blue!! Keep up the good work!
- PaPa Mike on January 29, 2020
I love this boat. It reminds me of when you play with the legos and you try to find the coins to put in the treasure box. I see that you like blue and red for your boat. Great job! Love you!
- Grandma Tammy on January 29, 2020