Bryce9331's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Bryce9331's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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An amazing interpretation of Monet's Water Lillies paintings! I love the color of the water and how it transitions between blue and deep blue/purple!!
- Dad on April 27, 2021
Still one of my favorite art pieces!
- Dad on April 27, 2021
Excellent use of color!!
- Dad on April 27, 2021
The word NICE is perfect for everyone to be! The colors you selected really make the word pop and create energy!
- Hannah (Mother) on October 20, 2020
Interesting! Looks just like the pictures I’ve seen of cave wall art. Great animals! I’m sure glad we don’t live in caves.
-- Marilyn
- on January 23, 2019
I really like the colors you choose with the cut outs! Love, Mom
-- Hannah
- on November 30, 2018
Bryce, this painting is wonderful, great use of colors!
-- Rhonda
- on November 30, 2018
This is very interesting Bryce. I love what looks like a window of sunshine. Do you like to use crayons or paint?
-- Marilyn
- on November 30, 2018
Hello! What a colorful picture...I love it and cant wait to see your next masterpiece. Watercolors are one of my favorite paints. I'm sure you have a name for it, but right away it made me think of morse code. Do you know what that is? A good question to ask your dad.
-- Grammie/Marilyn
- on November 30, 2018