Hi Molly, You just keep amazing me with your creativity and this piece is no exception. I really like the color combination and the subject matter. I can picture you in my mind waving to your mom or grandma just like the girl in your art piece is waving. You can see by her body stance that she is happy and excited. Very nice work Molly. I am proud of you..
- Bruce on June 14, 2023
This picture always makes me smile when I see it. It’s so similar to the work and style of the artist! Keep it up :)
- Titi Erin on June 14, 2023
This is awesome! I love that it’s a female and I love the energy I feel looking at it! Way to go! You are so talented!
- Titi Erin on June 14, 2023
Molly, you are so very talented, please keep creating as I really do enjoy your wonders.
- Bruce on April 12, 2023
Love this ??????
- Eileen (nana) on March 15, 2023
Wonderful!! You really understood the assignment!!! Great work, Molly!!! ????Aunt Deb
- Debra on March 8, 2023
Hey Molly, this is pretty cool. It looks like me when I get done snowblowing the driveway after we have a good snow storm. Keep up the great artistic work you have been and are doing. Bruce
- Bruce on March 8, 2023
Hey Molly, this is an absolutely fantastic piece of art work. I really like the composition and the depth of the art. You just keep amazing me!
- Bruce on March 8, 2023
Wow!! I really love this !!! Great work, Molly!!
- Aunt Deb on November 9, 2022
WOW!!!! Molly, this is fantastic!!!! I really, really like this and think you have done a fabulous piece of art. Keep it up sweetie!!!!
- Bruce on October 20, 2022
What an amazing piece! So colorful and pretty. Keep up the amazing work, you are so so talented. Love, Titi!
- Titi Erin on June 30, 2022
Molly, This piece is absolutely very, very cool, I love it!!!! I think is is a really great piece and you can be very proud of your work! Keep going with your artistic creativity and abilities, you are one super little girl! Bruce
- Bruce on May 14, 2022
This is super cool! Way to go!
- Titi Erin on May 14, 2022
Hey Molly, all of your artwork is wonderful, so thought out and then done as a beautiful piece of art. You can be very proud of your art pieces and show that you really enjoy art very much. Thank you for including me.
- Bruce on April 14, 2022
Mama loves this Aztec inspired sun project and the processes in the description and glaze techniques ????????
- Kelly (Mother) on April 1, 2022
I love this piece, Molly! Great use of shapes and color!!!! Is it glazed??
- Debra on April 1, 2022
This is absolutely beautiful sweet heart!!
- Peeta on April 1, 2022
Pop Pop loved this!!! I had to buy it for him ?? Love Nana
- Nana on December 22, 2021
Sunflowers are my favorites and I love the color yellow ?????? Great work! Love Nana
- Eileen (nana)(fan) on December 22, 2021
This is creative and cool. The smiles make me smile!
- Titi Erin on December 14, 2021
?????? this is cool!!!
- Titi Erin on December 14, 2021
This is super cool! Such detail and great color! Keep it up, Molly!
- Titi Erin on December 14, 2021
I love it. It’s very colorful and bright.
- Terry on December 14, 2021
Absolutely beautiful Molly. Daddy is so proud of you. ??
- Terry on May 28, 2021
I love you this taco fish!!! Soooo cool!!
- Debra on March 17, 2021
I love mermaids!!! You really did a great job!
- Debra on October 21, 2020
Hi Molly! I love this picture. It makes me feel like I am in the ocean snorkeling. Great job! Love, Nana
- Eileen (nana) on June 24, 2020
Super Scuba Girl!!!!!!
- Debra on June 24, 2020
I love it !!! It reminds of a Picasso!!!!
- Debra on June 24, 2020
This is about the coolest Frog I have ever seen and I hope you enjoy doing your artwork as much as I do enjoy seeing it!
- Bruce on March 25, 2020
Look at those amazing colors and art work. I love it!
- Titi Erin on February 27, 2020
Wow Molly! This is so creative and I love it! You are an amazing artist and I love the colors!
- Titi Erin on March 25, 2020
This is great , it might be my favorite!! Frogs are so cool and bring good luck!! Love your work, Love you, Aunt Deb
- Deb on March 25, 2020
Molly, This is a wonderful piece of artwork that you have created. Keep on with your art creations as they are super great and I really enjoy looking at them. You have so much talent!
- Bruce on March 25, 2020
This is new and different!! I like it!!
- Debra on November 13, 2019
I love it, Miss Moo!!!! Almost as much as I love you!!!!! Muwah
- Kelly (Mother) on October 10, 2019
Hi Molly, I love this piece! The colors you chose are awesome! Love, Nana
- Eileen on October 10, 2019
I absolutely love clay art and if you turn it around it looks like a heart. I am so proud of every thing you do. -- Mama
- on June 3, 2019
This is so good, Molly! really looks very Dali-esque! -- Eileen
- on May 22, 2019
I love this! Very weell done! -- Eileen
- on May 22, 2019
Love your new project !! You use beautiful colors!! It came out so cool!! -- Aunt Debbie
- on May 16, 2019
Wow! What a cool picture!ooka at the long legs on those beautiful birds. You are such an artist. -- Titi Erin
- on March 29, 2019
I love your artwork baby girl...So happy I got to see this in your backpack last Friday. Mama & Dada love you to the moon and back! -- Mama
- on February 18, 2019
Great work , Molly!!!! -- Debra
- on February 18, 2019
I love this ?????? Love, Nana -- Eileen
- on February 18, 2019
This reminds me of your visit to the Poconos ?? Love, Nana -- Eileen
- on February 18, 2019
Love this heart, Molly! You do fabulous art work ?????? Love, Nana -- Eileen
- on February 18, 2019
I love this one. I can't wait to hang it on your bedroom wall. -- Daddy
- on February 15, 2019
Look at those flowers! So beautiful! This makes me think of warmer weather :) -- Titi Erin
- on February 12, 2019
This is beautiful! Keep shining your light and creating beautiful art :) -- Titi Erin
- on February 12, 2019
Hi Molly these make me think of love and spring coming !! That color blue is very nice background. Love , Aunt Debbie -- Debra
- on February 8, 2019
I love your artwork Miss Molly Moo! Forever my baby, love Mama -- Kelly
- on January 25, 2019
I absolutely love your Snowman my baby girl! You are so good at artwork and I know how much you enjoy art class in your new school xoxo -- Mama
- on December 26, 2018
Wow Molly, your Snowman is wonderful! You are very talented and I hope you continue with your artwork because you are so good at it. I really enjoy seeing what you have created. -- Bruce
- on December 26, 2018
Your snowman looks so Happy!! I love it! It really looks like winter! -- Debra
- on December 26, 2018
Hi Molly!!! These will make perfect Christmas cards, they are such great snowflakes!! I will send you one. Xoxoxo, Aunt Debbie -- Debra
- on December 10, 2018
Hi Molly, I want to tell you that your Winter Snowflakes artwork is very, very nice and well done. It looks like when I was looking out my window in Michigan before I came down to Florida. Snow is very pretty and you did a really good job making me think of home and Christmas time in Michigan. -- Bruce
- on December 10, 2018
Love this turkey! Gobble, gobble, gobble ! -- Eileen (Nana)
- on November 19, 2018
I love it baby. Keep it up! Love, Mommy & Daddy -- Mommy
- on November 15, 2018
I like the way you use your colors!! The make the snail look great! -- Aunt Debbie
- on November 15, 2018
What a colorful turkey and such perfect pumpkins!! Great drawing for Thanksgiving!! -- Aunt Debbie
- on November 15, 2018
Mama -- Mama
- on October 19, 2018
My little painter....love love love you! -- Mama
- on October 19, 2018
Fabulous! Very interesting!! -- Aunt Debbie
- on October 10, 2018
This painting makes me so happy! I love the colors you chose!!!I can’t wait to see your next painting!! Love, Aunt Deb -- Debra
- on October 10, 2018
GREAT job Molly Rose!! Daddy loves his little artist. -- Terry
- on October 3, 2018
Great job with your artwork my Miss Molly Rose! Love it and loveyou ???????? -- Kelly
- on September 26, 2018
Great job Molly! Love the colors and shapes! -- Eileen (Nana)