Kevin18075's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Kevin18075's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great work, Kev!!! I can tell you put in a lot of effort making your snail! Love, Mommy
-- Patricia
- on April 10, 2019
-- Joseph
- on May 4, 2019
Wow! This one’s got style! Keep making great art, Kev! Uncle Noel
-- Noel
- on March 14, 2019
Wow! Great job, Kevin! I love the checker board pattern. Keep up the creativity! Love, Mommy
-- Patricia
- on February 19, 2019
Hi Kevin: I love this piece of art. It is one of your best. You are going to be an excellent artist with more of these. Love, Papa
-- Joseph
- on November 21, 2018
Kevin, I love your latest drawing. It’s a turtle right? Love nana and papa.
-- Mary
- on November 21, 2018
Kevin, I love the colors in your painting! Great job! Love, Mommy
-- Patricia
- on November 13, 2018
Kevin, Very nice artwork. I love the emotions. I hope that you are mostly happy an calm.
-- Ed
- on October 9, 2018
I LOVE this awesome picture! Great Job, Kevy. XOXO Love, Aunt Kathy
-- Kathleen
- on October 9, 2018
Hi Kevin: I think these are ladybugs. I love the colors. Great work. Love Papa
-- Joseph
- on October 4, 2018
Hi Kevin, I love the 'different feelings' pictures - happy, sad, scared, and more. You are quite the artist! I can't wait for you to draw a picture for me... Love, Aunt Kathy
-- Kathleen
- on October 3, 2018
Kevin, is this an illustration of Sleeping Giant? I really like how you make him an actual giant! -Uncle Noel
-- Noel
- on September 27, 2018
Hi Kevin: I love this picture. So much detail. you gave it a lot of thought. I think that is a wild animal in the bottom of the picture. You have the imagination to be an excellent artist. Love Papa
-- Joseph
- on September 17, 2018
Kevy Wevy - I LOVE YOUR AMAZING DRAWINGS!! You have a natural talent! :) I'd love for you to draw me a picture one day!!! I will frame it and hang it!! - hey, that rhymes! Love auntie kathy
-- Kathleen
- on September 17, 2018
I think you are a true artist! Your work is unbelievable. I am so proud of you!
-- Kathleen
- on September 12, 2018
Hi Kevin, we love seeing your art. It is cool. Keep sending them to us :)
-- Maura
- on September 12, 2018
Kevin, the way you see the world and copy it in your drawings is wonderful. I wish I had that talent. Keep drawing and sharing your gift with others. Love, mom
-- Patricia
- on September 7, 2018