Elijah17779's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Elijah17779's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I can't keep my eyes off it
- Cassandra (Mother) on March 21, 2020
I can't keep my eyes off it
- Cassandra (Mother) on March 21, 2020
It's like you with your names around you
- Cassandra (Mother) on March 21, 2020
very orange very green very awesome!!!??
- Cassandra (Mother) on March 21, 2020
The ??'s are shapes
- Cassandra (Mother) on March 21, 2020
It is not standing because it's waiting until it's mother is there to get up Because it needs to because it's mother is the gard.
- Cassandra (Mother) on March 21, 2020