Neil1012's Comments (22)

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Below are comments about Neil1012's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love this! You are a talented artist, Neil. Please keep up the great work! Love, Grandpa and Grandma Dault :)
- Carol on November 15, 2022
We love this! So many different ways to look at it! You are talented Neil! Love, Grandma and grandpa Dault. :)
- Grandma Dault on November 15, 2022
So pleased to see you accomplishing great art. You are awesome! Love Nana & Grandpa Flynn
- Nana on November 9, 2022
Hi Neil, Loved your self portrait and all your cat pictures! Very cool! Keep up the great artwork! Love, Grandpa and grandma Dault
- Carol on October 3, 2022
Hi Zip - Great work! Love, Dad
- Brian (Father) on September 27, 2022
Neil, your Fall Guys art is very creative and excellent. Keep up the great work! Love, Dad
- Brian (Father) on September 27, 2022
Dear Neil, I like the pictures which you drew. They are very interesting and colorful I show them to Grandpa and he was very impressed Keep up the good work at school and continue to develop all your talents and abilities Love. Nana and Grandpa
- Myriam on September 27, 2022
Mr. Neil: I see that you continue to do your very best work. I am proud of you - keep up the great work and I can't wait to see more!!! XOXOXO Mama
- Colleen (Mother) on February 22, 2022
So much great work here!
- Colleen (Mother) on November 10, 2021
Wow, I like your portal. Very cool!
- Colleen (Mother) on November 10, 2021
Beautiful work Neil!
- Colleen (Mother) on November 10, 2021
Great work Neil!
- Brian (Father) on November 8, 2021
Neil, I love this one.... you are getting very, very good in art! Love,
- Nana on November 10, 2021
Neil, what a beautiful piece. I love all the colors that you weaved in. Great work!
- Colleen (Mother) on January 13, 2021
1/8/21 Neil, what a great new piece of art you made. You are getting great at your work and Grandpa and I love it Love, Nana and Grandpa Flynn
- Myriam on January 13, 2021
Now thats a cool cat. Neil you have so much talent!
- Colleen (Mother) on November 23, 2020
Neil, I really love your art. Keep your hard work. Love, Nana
- Myriam on November 18, 2020
This one is my favorite! Very creative.
- Uncle Karen(fan) on November 18, 2020
Neil, I love this pumpkin. Keep dreaming great pictures. Aunt Julie
- Aunt Julie(fan) on November 18, 2020
Hi Neil, I just love your art work. Keep being creative. Aunt Julie
- Aunt Julie(fan) on November 18, 2020
Love it, Neil! Great work!
- Scott on November 16, 2020
Neil, You are such a talented artist. I like the colors and design in this one. ? Mama
- Colleen (Mother) on November 10, 2020