Kynlee141's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Kynlee141's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Kynlee - You are so talented! I love your artwork! Good job!
- Kim on November 28, 2023
Great job Kynlee! Love you! Nana Kim
-- Nana Kim
- on February 13, 2019
That’s beautiful Kyn! Good job! Mommy loves you!
-- Courtney
- on January 30, 2019
Very nice! You are so talented!
-- Nana Kim
- on January 16, 2019
Great job Kynlee! I love your stars!
-- Nana Kim
- on January 16, 2019
Hi Kynlee - I love your artwork. Very pretty! Love you, Nana
-- Nana Kim
- on November 21, 2018