Frank2826's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Frank2826's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I really like your latest artwork from the "Tertiary Silhouettes" series. Great Job. Love ya.
- Grandpa on January 11, 2023
I LOVE this picture and want to make a copy to hang in our northern Minnesota home. Thanks, Frank for your awesome creativity!
- Louise on May 25, 2022
Frank, We really like your cityscape. I think you have a very good eye and the feeling for telling the picture story.
- Grandpa Tremmel on May 18, 2022
Frank this is wonderful! A super hero mask.
- Grandma Dee on May 7, 2022
- Grandma Dee on March 16, 2022
Wonderful Frank keep it up!
- Grandma Dee on March 16, 2022
Frank your pumpkin looks like he is tired of this quarantine! I am with your pumkin, ready to come see ya. It is a beautiful and expressive image. Thank you for being you. Love
- Grandma Dee on April 15, 2020
Hello Frank! Have you done any art today? I'll bet you could find something outside to use in a picture today. Sending you a big hug! Love, Grammy
- Grammy on April 8, 2020
Hi Frank! I’m learning right along with you that you can use so many different things to make art. Isn’t it fun? Keep up the good work! Love, Grammy
- Grammy on April 8, 2020
This is a good one! I really enjoy seeing all your fine art, Frank Love you, Grandpa
- Grandpa Tremmel on April 8, 2020
Frank this is special! Wonderful design and the color's you picked really make it pop. Have a good day. Grandma Dee
- Grandma Dee on April 8, 2020
I really like this picture, Frank. It's really nice for me to be able to see all your great work.
- Grandpa on April 1, 2020
Frank I enjoyed your bycicle picture. Makes me want to come ride with you! Thank you, Grandma Dee
- Grandma Dee on April 1, 2020
Frank your picture makes me want to go bicycle riding. Thank you, keep up the great work. Grandma Dee
- Grandma Dee on April 1, 2020
I’m loving the art work you are doing! The colors you chose looked especially good together. I think you’re doing a great job! Love, Grammy
- Grammy on March 25, 2020
Frank, your art is very original! Can not wait to see more. Thank you for sharing with me.
- Grandma Dee on March 25, 2020
I just viewed your art projects from school and was VERY IMPRESSED! I especially liked the one with the purple flower and the bee. Keep up the good work!
- Grammy on March 25, 2020