Millicent75's Comments (16)

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Below are comments about Millicent75's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Sounds like you learned something very valuable about the benefits of working as a team. Your project makes me want to go to McDonalds, & I don’t even eat their food! Kudos to you & your team for your very creative project.
- Kristin(fan) on May 24, 2023
You are so good at drawing facial expressions. The looks in the large eyes really make this one. I like that you drew the three fairies in different body positions, two with crossed arms & legs. I see in the background a plant that you even have reaching toward the light. So much attention to detail.
- Kristin(fan) on March 15, 2023
There's a lot more beach time coming up!
- Daddy on December 28, 2022
You really have quite an attention to detail, like in the buttons, cuffs on sleeves, basket rim, plus facial features & expression. You definitely have skills as an illustrator.
- Kristin(fan) on December 21, 2022
I really like how you were able to show texture in the sand and movement to the waves. You captured a sunset at the beach beautifully. I also really appreciate what you wrote about what you learned from making this project.
- Kristin(fan) on December 21, 2022
It’s great to see that you have branched out into 3-D art! I’m impressed! You are an inspiration as an artist. I look forward to seeing more of your new artwork this year.
- Kristin on November 9, 2022
I love it Milly! Is that you on Guitar? ??????
- Matthew on April 14, 2022
As always, I love your artwork!! You are so creative and unique. Love you Millygoob!!
- Amanda (Mother) on October 20, 2021
Love the Sunrise Milly! You are an awesome talented ??
- Matthew on April 14, 2022
This is one of my favorites! 1. Because it's a cat and 2. I love your creativity as always! Keep it up Millygoob! Love you.
- Amanda (Mother) on February 2, 2021
Good job Milly! I like your rainbow turtle. Maybe we'll see turtles on our cruise next year!
- Aunt Amy on September 16, 2020
Great Job Milly!
-- Aunt Amy
- on March 13, 2019
Fabulous Milly!
-- Matthew
- on December 12, 2018
Great job Milly!
-- Amy
- on November 21, 2018
This is a very realistic pumpkin Millicent! I'm very proud of you, and your talent!
-- Matthew
- on November 14, 2018
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