Mason22504's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Mason22504's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Mason, I like this fall tree picture! Looks like you used a sponge to print the colored leaves. I like the leaves that are blowing in the wind! Love, Grandma Lois
- Lois on September 9, 2021
Hi Mason! Very nice picture! I like the fall colors and the animals. Keep up the good work in art! Love, Grandma Lois
- Lois on September 9, 2021
This is a very artistic picture, Mason. I like the different designs and how they fit together. And, the face peeking out adds just the right touch! I like all the colors, too. Love, Grandma Lois
- Lois on November 4, 2020
Another nice picture! Looks like plants growing up and down. I like the pink and green colors! There's some purple in there, too! Love, Grandma
- Lois(fan) on October 22, 2020
This is very nice! I'm not sure what it is, though. Love, Grandma
- Lois(fan) on October 22, 2020
This is nice! A big bowl of colorful fruit! The bowl almost looks like Noah's ark! The fruit are so bright, too! Love, Grandma
- Lois(fan) on October 22, 2020
I like this picture! You were learning to paint like Van Gogh. I like your sunflowers, vase, and tablecloth! Love, Grandma
- Lois(fan) on October 22, 2020
This looks like autumn leaves falling from the tree! Clever of you to use something to stamp the leaves onto the paper! I like it! Love, Grandma
- Lois(fan) on October 22, 2020