Coraline93's Comments (92)

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Below are comments about Coraline93's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Cora, we love your artwork. We learned something new…analogous colors! We really liked the way you described the picture and the colors. Mimi and Grangrad.
- Lorraine on February 26, 2025
Cora, we love how you explained how you drew and painted the pumpkins and background. The explanation makes the picture come alive! Mimi and Grangrad
- Lorraine on December 4, 2024
cora. that’s very cool
- Cindy on November 7, 2024
Cora, we love your soccer artwork. We can tell that you love soccer and you are an awesome player! So proud of you and your art and soccer participation! Mimi and Grangrad
- Lorraine on October 16, 2024
Cora, we have never heard of needle felting! You will need to tell us how you do this. I know you are so excited about soccer! Love you, Mimi and Grangrad
- Lorraine on July 10, 2024
Good job, Cora! This looks so much like the desert when we went to Arizonia a few years ago. The mountains surrounded by the sand and cactus were amazing! Mimi and Grangrad
- Lorraine on May 15, 2024
Cora, we love the picture of the astronaut! The colors are so vivid and we like how you added the dust! You have a great imagination. We can see you going into one day! Love you! Mimi and Grangrad
- Lorraine on March 13, 2024
Cora, when I first saw your picture I wasn’t sure what it meant but it was very intriguing. I thought about reputations…good ones and bad ones. Later I read what you had written about it. I am very impressed! Love, Mimi and Grangrad
- Lorraine on March 6, 2024
Cora, your use of color is amazing. So proud of you. Much love. Ooma
- Cindy on March 6, 2024
Cora, we love your snow globe. It’s really neat and a different idea. It represents your love of sports. You have a great imagination! Love, Mimi and Grangrad
- Lorraine on December 25, 2023
Thank you, Cora for sharing your artwork! We love going to the Plaza and remember the fun times we went together. You used good color combinations. Love, Mimi and Grangrad.
- Lorraine on December 8, 2023
Cora. This is so cool and so well done. Thanks for sharing it. Omma
- Cindy on December 8, 2023
Cora, Papa and I really like what you did here. Good color and good contrast. Thanks
- Cindy on November 9, 2023
Cora, this art is amazing. We are very proud of you. Omma
- Cindy on September 17, 2023
Wonderful drawing and picture. Most thoughtful. Ooma
- Cindy on February 15, 2023
A pretty, yummy cupcake! Mimi & Grangrad
- Lorraine on February 1, 2023
Cora, your snowflakes are really nice. Did you get your ideas from the snowflakes you’ve seen this year? You are very creative. Love, Mimi and Grangrad
- Lorraine on January 4, 2023
The snowflakes are very intricate. Way to go Cora.
- Cindy on January 4, 2023
This picture has an amazing detail. Love the way the bare limbs of the tree are outlined on the moon… very nice
- Cindy on December 14, 2022
Cora, I really like this artwork. It is futuristic and realistic at the same time. Your creative talent is shining! Gigi
- Gigi, Aka Linda on December 14, 2022
We really like the picture of the cold, winter night! It reminds us of the snow village we have. You are an awesome artist! Mimi and Grangrad
- Lorraine on December 14, 2022
Oh, Cora! We love your mug of hot cocoa! It looks delicious with the whipped cream on top! Maybe we can have some cocoa together soon. Love you, Mimi and Grangrad.
- Lorraine on December 14, 2022
Very original artwork, Cora. You know that we love the color of the frame, also! I would like to have your talent for art. Mimi and Grangrad
- Lorraine on November 23, 2022
Cora, This is an interesting work of art, very modernistic!
- Gigi on November 23, 2022
Not sure how you come up with the amazing colors and extremely interesting designs. Yay, Cora.
- Cindy on November 9, 2022
Cora, we learned something new today about art! This is so bright and beautiful as it brightens our day. You are learning so much about different types of art. ?? Mimi and Grangrad
- Lorraine on October 26, 2022
Cora, Love the colors you have used here, you seem to have great artistic sense. Has your Aunt Lauren had an influence on your style? Love, Gigi
- Gigi, Aka Linda on September 28, 2022
Very creative… the use of color
- Cindy on September 28, 2022
Great job, Cora! We always look forward to seeing your artwork. You are very creative and take great precision with your work. Love, Mimi and Grangrad
- Lorraine on August 29, 2022
Love this…very nicely done.
- Cindy on August 29, 2022
Cora, This is one of my very favorites of all your artwork. Pen and ink may be your calling. Your talent is developing. You may be an Art Major like your Aunt Lauren instead of the Soccer player your dad wants. Love you sweetie, Gigi
- LINDA on June 22, 2022
Cora, this is an awesome picture and we absolutely love the fancy hair. We also love your curly hair. You have such creative ideas for your artwork. Love, Mimi and Grangrad.
- Lorraine on June 8, 2022
I love your hair, too! And this portrait is wonderful ?? You are a talented young lady.
- Terry on May 9, 2022
Papa and I really like your creativity. Lots to look at and appreciate. Omma
- Cindy on May 9, 2022
Cora, we absolutely love this picture! The hair is so unique and interesting...just like your hair. We noticed that you included braces. You have great imagination and talent. It is a joy to get to see these pictures. Love, Mimi and Grangrad.
- Lorraine on May 9, 2022
Cora, that ice cream looks good enough to eat! It looks like it could have been made at the B ice cream store! You have great artistic talent and we are so proud of you! Mimi and Grangrad
- Lorraine on April 27, 2022
Papa and I are amazed by your creativity. Thanks for sharing all 5he good stuff you bring to your artwork. Omma
- Cindy on April 27, 2022
Wow, Cora! This an awesome house and so colorful! It would be a fun house to live in! You are very creative. Love, Mimi and Grangrad
- Lorraine on April 6, 2022
Cora, These are so interesting and so nicely done. Please remember to tell me how you did them. Great work. Omma
- Cindy on April 6, 2022
Love the colors you used, Cora. Nice understanding of the winter night sky. Thanks.
- Cindy on January 5, 2022
Cora, what a great picture of the Aurora Borealis! I got to see it many years ago but it wasn’t all that bright since we were so far away. You are a great artist and we love seeing your artwork. Love you! Mimi and Grangrad
- Lorraine on January 5, 2022
Oh, Cora! I did not know what Mola art was until I looked it up. I learned something new today! We love the colors you used because they remind us of your favorite colors. This picture also reminds me of the patchwork quilts that my grandmother made. You are quite the artist! Love, Mimi and Grangrad
- Lorraine on November 16, 2021
Cora, you have created a most interesting piece of art. Your perspective us quite good. Really like how you use the space to demonstrate size and space. Omma and Papa
- Cindy on November 11, 2021
Cora, What a peaceful landscape picture. Really like it. Orange is one of my favorite colors. Omma
- Cindy on October 11, 2021
Very creative, Cora. Nice work and good ideas. Omma
- Cindy on September 21, 2021
Cora, this is such a colorful collage! We think you did a great job with this design. Keep up the good work! Love you, Mimi and Grangrad
- Lorraine on September 21, 2021
Good job, Cora! You are turning into quite the artist! You have learned a lot about art this year and we are very proud of you! Keep up the good work. Mimi and Grangrad.
- Lorraine on May 26, 2021
Cora, this picture looks almost exactly like the blue vase of sunflowers I have at the end of my hall! You did an awesome job and I love all of your wonderful artwork. Love, Mimi and Grangrad
- Lorraine on May 18, 2021
Love the cheerful sunflowers. You have created them to be so real!
- Cindy on May 18, 2021
Cora, We really like the picture of your spring animal! You did an awesome job drawing the way the fur grows. The background of the flowers and butterfly makes the spring picture even better. Did you know that rabbits are my favorite spring animals? Mimi and Grangrad
- Lorraine on April 28, 2021
Cora, we love your beautiful artwork picture. You did a great job with all of the different shades of pink and the different shapes. We hope we can see butterflies just like this in our yard before too long! Mimi and Grangrad
- Lorraine on April 1, 2021
Nice work, Cora. Like the shapes and colors.
- Cindy on April 1, 2021
Cora, this is a very nice example of use of color and form. I like it a lot.
- Cindy on March 18, 2021
Papa and I are amazed at what an interesting and sophisticated piece of art this is. Again, your use of color is amazing. Thanks for sharing...Ooma.
- Cindy on February 10, 2021
Cora, we really like your picture of the winter birds. You did a really good job on them. They look just like some of the birds we are feeding right now in our backyard. You are becoming a great artist. Thank you for sharing with us. Mimi and Grangrad.
- Lorraine on February 10, 2021
Omma and Papa really like how you used color and the way we can see the different ways the ground almost moves with how you drew and colored it. Very cool, Cora.
- Cindy on January 23, 2021
Cora, I really like this picture; the smile makes me happy! It is very imaginative. GiGi
- GiGi on December 16, 2020
Cora, I really like this picture; the smile makes me happy! It is very imaginative. GiGi
- GiGi on December 16, 2020
Good job, Cora! We really like all of the different figures and colors! We can see that you are learning a lot in art class. Thank you for sharing with us. Mimi and Grangrad
- Lorraine on December 16, 2020
Thank you, Cora for sharing your artwork! You did an awesome job. We love Mexican art and the beautiful colors. It reminds us of our trips to Mexico. Mimi and Grangrad
- Lorraine on December 16, 2020
Cora, ypur use of color and line is very good. I smile every time i see this picture.
- Cindy on December 16, 2020
Thank you for reminding us to vote! It is so important for the American people to let their voices be heard. Mimi & Grangrad
- Lorraine on October 21, 2020
Nice work, Cora. Ooma and Papa took our votes to be deposited yesterday.
- Cindy on October 21, 2020
Cora, your use of color is amazing. We are very proud of you.
- Cindy on October 10, 2020
Cora, This is the best kind of monster! Everyone needs a love monster. Mimi
- Lorraine on October 10, 2020
Love the Love Monster.
- Cindy on October 10, 2020
Wow. Great use of color.
- Cindy on April 1, 2020
What a happy snow person. Great job of creating it. Looks like it may have on a Royals hat???? Love, Ooma
- Cindy on January 8, 2020
The picture of the winter trees is awesome! You have chosen great colors to reflect the season. You used great imagination for the trees. Thank you for sharing with us. Love, Mimi and Grangrad
- Lorraine on December 11, 2019
Cora, The way you showed the night sky is amazing. I especially like how you used different colors in all of the picture. Ooma
- Cindy on December 11, 2019
Love the colors and the many shapes ypu used. Very good. Thanks and love, Ooma
- Cindy on November 21, 2019
Love the colorful picture. The poppies and clouds and sky are wonderful in their perspective. Thanks for sharing.
- Cindy on November 21, 2019
Cora -- your red poppies look beautiful, and are perfect for this Armistice Day. Thanks for sharing with me.
- Jeff on November 10, 2019
Cora, We love the picture of the poppies and what they represent for the United States! Your third great grandfather served in the army during World War I. I’m sure he would be proud of your picture, also. Mimi and Grangrad
- Lorraine on November 10, 2019
Cora, your colorful autumn picture is awesome! You did a great job on the pumpkin. The spiders and butterflies make the pumpkin look extra special. YOU are a great artist! Mimi and Grangrad
- Lorraine on November 10, 2019
Hey Cora, It looks like you have colorful lollipops growing in your garden. Love your wonderful imagination. Love you, Gigi
- Gigi on October 17, 2019
Wow! Great job, Cora! The colors of your artwork are bright and colorful! Mimi and Grangrad are proud of you and the work you are doing. Mimi and Grangrad
- Lorraine on October 9, 2019
Cora, really like how you use color and shapes. Very nice! Ooma
- Cindy on October 9, 2019
Cora, we really like your picture of the sea, plants and fish. It reminds us of your fish in your aquarium. The colors you chose are very nice. Mimi and Grangrad
-- Lorraine
- on May 8, 2019
Cora, I love your picture of the fish. it's shape is perfect and the colors are beautiful. I can see it living in the ocean somewhere.
- on May 8, 2019
What amazing colors!!!
-- Cindy. Ooma.
- on April 28, 2019
Love the way you showed the picture of the ocean. So many different creatures!
-- Cindy. Ooma.
- on April 28, 2019
Cora, I love all your art work, especially the heart. The eyes are so clever, just like they are watching someone or something. You are probably going to be the next generation artist just like your Aunt Lauren.
-- Gigi, aka Linda
- on February 13, 2019
This is s very clever Valentine, Cora! Good job. Mimi and Grangrad
-- Lorraine
- on February 13, 2019
Cora, This Valentine causes me to smile all over. Thank YOU with much LOVE. Ooma
-- Cindy
- on February 13, 2019
Cora, this is a beautiful cardinal! You did an awesome job. Cardinals are some of my favorite birds. Mimi
-- Lorraine
- on December 7, 2018
This is amazing, Cora. LOVE the colors,so vibrant and so well done
-- Cindy
- on December 7, 2018
Cora--Your jack-o'lantern picture is quite marvelous. Do you think it might snow on Halloween?
-- Jeff
- on October 31, 2018
Good job, Cora! Mimi and Grangrad love your picture!
-- Lorraine
- on October 31, 2018
Love ypur pumpkin face, Cora. Reminds me of all the pumpkins ypu and Crosby found while you were visiting Papa and Me. Ooma.
-- Cindy
- on October 31, 2018
Love the way you use color, Cora. Also really like the many different colors. Yay, Cora.
-- Cindy
- on October 17, 2018
Ooma says she really likes the way you used lines to seem like motion. She also likes that you used so many different colors on the lines. Color, movement and lines. Very cool.
-- Cindy
- on October 3, 2018