Max11630's Comments (22)

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Below are comments about Max11630's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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We found your name in the picture Max. Karla, big grandma Helen and I are looking at your wonderful art work... Thanks for sharing.
- Randy on December 1, 2021
This is the B E S T ever Max. I absolutely love the colors, wave/curved lines and the little hidden designs within this magnificent piece of art work. Love to see your work and glad you are expressing yourself so beautifully.
- Randy on November 24, 2021
This looks really 'COOL' Max. I like that the designer's name is on it - Max !!! I look forward to finding out your thoughts when making this and materials used. Awesome.
- Randy on April 28, 2021
This is a fantastic picture with the stick people, three fill in colors and all of the free form design of grass, trees, clouds etc. You are doing GREAT.
- Randy on February 27, 2020
Terrific use of colors Max. I really like that the four large objects are offset to the left of the picture and not centered. It looks very interesting and nice. Enjoy ART! ! !
- Randy on February 27, 2020
I love this one! Dragonflies are my FAVORITE and remind me of Uncle Troy! :)
- Tiffany (Mother) on January 9, 2020
This is your BEST yet Max. You must have put a lot of thought and time on this project. Love all of the color and drawing you put into it. Super JOB !!! I love it a lot....
- Randy on January 9, 2020
I think the colors and designs are AWESOME. Hope I remember to ask the meaning(s) behind your beautiful creative creation. Glad to see it!
- Randy on January 9, 2020
I love to see you making more 'cool' art pieces. Interested in how the black edges were made on the white thing the person is holding. Hope we can remember to talk about this sometime. Enjoy.
- Randy on November 20, 2019
I love this one! I think you would be helpful just like the blue bird! :)
-- Tiffany
- on May 13, 2019
W . O . W . This is a very nice picture with so much color. I think I see a blue bird and to little red birds. You are doing wonderful stuff with your paint brush, help from your teach and I hope you are having FUN. Love you. Gpa Randy
-- Randy
- on May 13, 2019
Hope I can see this pretty orange turtle someday. I see the must have a black head sticking our of his shell and is there a couple of purple spots on top of his back? I wonder how big he is when you got done. Keep up your creativity. Sure is fun to see your end results.
-- Randy
- on May 8, 2019
I like all of the colors, shapes and main center of the picture. I need you to explain all of the meaning to the triangle, vibrations in ^^^^^^ and ((((((((((( up/down sometime.
-- Randy
- on March 27, 2019
Very nice work done on this one Max. I see great detail when you drew one of her braided pigtails. I like her pretty and happy face. The touch of blue is cool too!!
-- Randy
- on March 27, 2019
Let's go to Egypt!
-- Tiffany
- on March 20, 2019
Being a chemistry major in college, this one is extra special to mom! :)
-- Tiffany
- on March 20, 2019
What a cool way to talk about and learn about South Dakota! You're such a hard worker!
-- Tiffany
- on March 20, 2019
I love the colors you picked for this Egyptian as they are my favorite combination. That is a great job and it is better than I could do when it comes to drawing a person. Love You and your art, too!
-- Randy
- on March 20, 2019
Looks like a lot of work went into this one Max. Is there a person with a wall behind time that has two other pictures hanging on the wall. Nice drawings on the wall. Looking forward to hearing you talk about all you are learning in art. Keep it up.....
-- Randy
- on March 20, 2019
Interesting artwork Max. Can't wait to be able to talk to about your drawings. What do I see in the center part of inside the frame? Two trees with a person under the right side one and something under the left tree hiding? I really like all of the designs you put on the picture too! ! !
-- Randy
- on March 20, 2019
I love your super cool artwork, Max. Keep your artistic thoughts going and creating such neat stuff ! ! !
-- Randy
- on March 20, 2019
Wow, this is really good! Love all the colors.
-- Jenny
- on December 12, 2018