Dixie the drawing is pretty. You are getting better all the the time. Keep up the good work. I Love You PaPa -- Donald
- on March 11, 2019
Dixie Mae, You really done a great job on your ROYGBIV ARTWORK!! I was very surprised at the way you cut and pasted the pieces to make such a Beautiful Masterpiece!!! GRANMA IS PROUD OF YOU!!! Hugs, Kisses, & Love, Granma -- Lynn
- on November 2, 2018
Dixie this looks great. Keep up the good work -- Donald
- on October 26, 2018
Dixie, You truly done a great job on the ROYGBIV artwork you turned in!!! Granma is sooo very proud of you!!! I love the way you arranged the cuts of paper!!! Keep up the Beautiful Artwork!!! Never Forget, Granma Loves You Around The World & Back!!!! Hugs & Kisses, Granma -- Lynn