AshlynnGrace1's Comments (3)

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Below are comments about AshlynnGrace1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Dear Ashlynn, This drawing is absolutely beautiful! It is clearly seen that you have a hidden talent for artwork, and not just drawing I may add, but also for music, dancing, singing, painting, story-telling, and so much more! You have a natural born talent that most do not have...a gift of expressing you, your inner self...don't let it stay a hidden talent, grow up in this world showing and expressing that natural talent! I am so proud of you. I love you, Mom
- Jennifer (Mother) on September 21, 2019
Wow Ashlynn! That is so awesome! Love, Mom
-- Jennifer
- on November 28, 2018
Wow Ashlynn! Your artwork looks great! Great job! I am so proud of you... Love, Your biggest fan, Mom
-- Jennifer
- on November 3, 2018