Lucine12's Comments (31)

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Below are comments about Lucine12's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is truly a powerful shield, made by a powerful girl!??
- Nona on March 8, 2024
Beautiful artwork, with an amazing artist comment! ??
- Nona on March 8, 2024
Believe in yourself! Love your description of this piece
- Leah (Mother) on March 3, 2024
Anyway you turn it!! Looks very cool!!
- Sue on March 3, 2024
This looks like an optical illusion, cool!
- Leah (Mother) on February 6, 2024
So cool!
- Nona on December 13, 2023
Lucy, I love the shades of green you used with contrast of the white trees. So cool! Keep on creating,you’re awesome. ??Nona
- Nona on December 13, 2023
I love your artwork Lucy!
- Nona on November 8, 2023
This reminds me of your Daddy. He likes to work out and exercise
- Pops on November 8, 2023
She is very talented.
- Pops on November 8, 2023
Mini-Lucy on the brain
- Leah (Mother) on October 10, 2023
Spectacular kaleidoscope of colors, Lu!
- Mom on October 10, 2023
Love the free styling!! Very vivid coloring!! Keep doing what your doing!
- Sue on October 10, 2023
I think Lucy has an eye for detail. She is a very interesting artist. I love her ideas and interpretations.
- Dale on October 10, 2023
Beautiful work,Lucy. It reminds me of Palm Springs! Love you, Nona
- Carol on April 5, 2023
I love the shading of the mountains.
- Dale on March 30, 2023
This is my very favorite piece you have made.. I love it! Nona
- Nona on February 8, 2023
So cool, nice work! Love the colors
- Aunt Lisa on February 8, 2023
I love this new art piece. It’s colorful!
- Nona on October 19, 2022
I love your bot!!!you did a great job. XO, Nona
- Carol on February 9, 2022
WOW ! I really loved seeing your fall leaves today. You are so talented. I'm very proud of you.
- POPS on November 10, 2021
Hi Lucy, I love how colorful this new picture is! Love, Nona
- Carol on February 10, 2021
Lucy, Your new art collage is awesome! Keep up the great work. Love, Nona
- Carol on January 3, 2021
Lucy, I love your new bird feeding picture. You have such a love for nature. Keep up the great work! Hugs and kisses, Nona
- Carol on January 3, 2021
Hi Lucy, I love your new art piece! Love you, Nona
- Nona on December 30, 2019
What a beautiful picture! I love the hearts on the eyes and mouth. Great job Lucy! Hugs and kisses, Nona
-- Nona
- on February 27, 2019
Love your picture !
-- Pops
- on February 27, 2019
Wow this looks like a Queen!
-- Mom
- on February 21, 2019
Lucy, This is my favorite picture you have created! Keep up the great work! Love you, Nona
-- Nona
- on November 27, 2018
I love all of your artwork, Lucy! Those trees look kinda spooky to me. Love, Pops
-- Pops
- on November 27, 2018
Lucy, you are an artist! Beautiful job on your cat and pumpkin. I can't wait to see more! Love you, Nona
-- Nona
- on November 7, 2018