Emory578's Comments (23)

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Below are comments about Emory578's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very nice! I love the detail and the colors. Reminds me of the southwest desert in some of the areas of your picture.
- Benton on December 23, 2020
You put a lot of work into this creation - it made me think of a dish of jello! Keep up the good work sweetie!!!
- Barbara & Carl on December 23, 2020
I Love this landscape painting. With all the different colors and pumpkins out in the fields. A beautiful Autumn morning is the beginning of my favorite time of the year. Great job Emory
- Leonard on December 23, 2020
Your bear is absolutely adorable!! He would be great to cuddle up with on a snowy day!
- Karen on February 26, 2020
Very creative lines and colors. Dark blue is my favorite.
- Leonard on February 26, 2020
Emory, you know how to use the best colors and design....I love it and you too!
- Barbara on November 13, 2019
very fancy little lady, you make beautiful jewelry
-- Barbara
- on October 2, 2019
I love your big smile because that makes it look like you.
-- Barbara
- on October 2, 2019
Claire, you are a whiz with color on all of your pieces of art. We love all of them. Keep drawing masterpieces.
-- Barbara
- on March 19, 2019
Your imagination and skill are demonstrated so beautifully in this piece. U LOVE it!!
-- Grandma
- on March 6, 2019
Is this made with clay? You did a great totem pole~
-- Barbara
- on February 6, 2019
This spider is scary, but the background is very colorful
-- Barbara
- on February 6, 2019
What a beautiful sky, lots of beautifiul activity. Love you!
-- Barbara
- on February 6, 2019
This reminds us of a song "Starry starry night, paint your palette blue and gray, Look out on a summer's day". Love it!
-- Leonard
- on February 6, 2019
Smiling folks....look so happy!
-- Barbara
- on February 6, 2019
Great dancing happy faces - which one is you?
-- Barbara
- on January 16, 2019
I can hear your colorful owl saying, "Whoooo"
-- Barbara
- on December 5, 2018
Emory, this is outstanding!
-- Leonard
- on December 5, 2018
Emory, your 3D with curly paper is truly a work of art. What makes it stand up? I like your choice of colors.
-- Barbara & Carl
- on November 28, 2018
These "bugs" almost scared me......very nice use of colors and lines. Love you lady bug!
-- Barbara
- on September 26, 2018
WOW!!! Amazing for your first painting.
-- Leonard
- on September 26, 2018
I Love it, better than I can do.....you go girl!!! Love ya lots,
-- Barbara
- on September 26, 2018
Great job, Emory!!
-- Karen
- on September 26, 2018