Urvi39's Comments (74)

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Below are comments about Urvi39's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Awesome job!
- Praveen on May 15, 2024
Dear Urvi, Your Christmas town artwork is fabulous. I like the details and complexity of your work, my love. The lit up Christmas trees, bright natural lights, especially the smoke coming out of the chimneys and natural lights from the sky is incredible. Seeing your Christmas town decoration art work makes my heart jingle each and every time. Kind regards to my love, mom
- Sunil (Father) on March 16, 2024
Dear Urvi, Your sunrise drawing is extraordinary. The color combinations and your choices of colors are appearing as the desert is illuminating in a newly raised sun. This picture is appropriate for Hindu's lunar calendar. According to Hindu mythology "magha masam (current month and time) is the month dedicated to worship lord "surya bhagavan (the sun)". Love you sweetie. Mom
- Hima on March 6, 2024
Wow.. this is amazing. Keep it up Urvi !!!
- Sasmita on December 26, 2023
Great work, Urvi. I like the colors you used, it looks natural. Keep up the good work. Your's loving and caring Mom.
- Hima on December 27, 2023
Urvi, Whenever I see these cactuses and the orange yellow sky that you have shown, I feel like I have been enjoying a beautiful evening in the desert. I personally feel like your artwork has a healing power. Those details in your work and captivating colors offer peacefulness to me. Your loving and caring Mom
- Hima Bindu(fan) on October 20, 2023
Dear Urvi, You have a talent to bring things alive with your artwork, sweetie. I like the colors, shades and strokes that you used. Your work is detail oriented. Keep up the good work. I love you. I am glad you have a passion for art. Yours lovingly Mom
- Hima Bindu(fan) on October 20, 2023
Hi love, It is hilarious, your comment and the expression on her face make me giggle. I never felt art has that many expressions and your work is really speaking for itself. Your loving and caring Mom
- Hima Bindu(fan) on October 20, 2023
Dear Urvi, You have a talent to bring things alive with your artwork, sweetie. I like the colors, shades and strokes that you used. Keep up the good work. I love you. I am glad you have a passion for art. Mom.
- Hima on October 20, 2023
You made an excellent heart Urvi. I am saving it in my memory box. Love u Urvi, Mom
- Sunil (Father) on May 23, 2023
Colorful art of heart, Urvi. Love you Mom.
- Sunil (Father) on March 19, 2023
I like the details in this snow globe (in your art work) Urvi. You choose great colors. Nice job. Keep the good work. Love u Mom.
- Sunil (Father) on March 19, 2023
Hilarious Urvi, I like the expression on her face. Keep up the good work. Love u Mom
- Sunil (Father) on March 19, 2023
Urvi, your creative work amuses me. Each time I see your art work, I get positive vibes, dear. Keep up the good work. Love u
- Sunil (Father) on March 19, 2023
Urvi, your creative work amuses me. Each time I see your art work, I get positive vibes, dear. Keep up the good work. Love u
- Sunil (Father) on March 19, 2023
Love it! I am going to order it in a Christmas ordament!
- Anna on March 22, 2023
Urvi, I like your art work. Keep up the good work. My artsy darling. Love you Mom
- Sunil (Father) on March 15, 2023
Love the colors, Urvi! Very creative! Great job! XO Anna & Tony
- Anna on March 15, 2023
Urvi; I love the way you used the orange and yellow color for the sunset so vibrant. Desert landscapes are my favorite. Great job!
- Anna on December 28, 2022
Such a creative way to draw a camel! I love this simplicity of the camel ??. You brought the picture to life with all of the colors. The eyes are so expressive. Exceptional work!
- Anna on May 26, 2021
Such a creative way to draw a camel! I love this simplicity of the camel ??. You brought the picture to life with all of the colors. The eyes are so expressive. Exceptional work!
- Anna on May 26, 2021
i like this painting Urvi. Mommy
- Hima on May 12, 2021
Hey Urvi, we are very glad that you enjoys your school projects, my love.
- Hima on May 12, 2021
That beautiful penguin is saying "I love you." I like his beautiful eyes and colorful scarf, Urvi. The snow and blue sky in the background is very colorful. Mommy.
- Hima on May 12, 2021
Wonderful picture of caterpillar with rainbow, Urvi. Mommy admires your art work, my love. Never stop being creative. Best regards
- Hima on May 12, 2021
Very fun colorful piece Urvi! Great job!
- Anna on May 12, 2021
Very fun colorful piece Urvi! Great job!
- Anna on May 12, 2021
Very fun colorful piece Urvi! Great job!
- Anna on May 12, 2021
Love this holiday themed penguin! So cute!
- Anna on May 12, 2021
Fun creative piece Urvi!
- Anna on May 12, 2021
Love this piece Urvi!
- Anna on May 12, 2021
Very colorful and beautiful depiction of safety measures at bus stop, Urvi. I like those beautiful faces you drew, my love. The sun is very bright with spreading his happy light rays all around, my sunshine.
- Hima on May 12, 2021
Fun piece Urvi! Great message for other school kids who take the bus!
- Anna on May 12, 2021
Creative to add some animal faces to this piece Urvi! Lots of personality!
- Anna on May 12, 2021
Love your use of colors Urvi in this piece.
- Anna on May 12, 2021
Love this Sunfish Urvi. Your use of the lighter blue contrast for the water really brings the other colors out. Well done!
- Anna on May 12, 2021
Urvi, are those your beautiful palms. I know you do that a lot at home, your palm prints. Nice job my love. Keep up the good work.
- Hima on May 12, 2021
Unique impressionist piece Urvi! Great job!
- Anna on May 12, 2021
Unique impressionist piece Urvi! Great job!
- Anna on May 12, 2021
Unique impressionist piece Urvi! Great job!
- Anna on May 12, 2021
Unique impressionist piece Urvi! Great job!
- Anna on May 12, 2021
Scary and pretty pumpkin, Urvi. I like the color combinations you choose for all of your art works. Mommy loves you sweet heart.
- Hima on May 12, 2021
This reminds me of a picture we had to draw when I was a little girl. A lost art. Great job Urvi!
- Anna on May 12, 2021
Very unique Urvi! Love the colors. A fun piece of art!
- Anna on May 12, 2021
Nice job Urvi. very pretty colors you used and it looks wonderful, my love.
- Hima on May 12, 2021
What a cute little girl Urvi! I love the colors of the rainbow. The little bunny adds to the picture so nicely, including the flowers.
- Anna on May 12, 2021
Hello Urvi, I love this picture! It is my favorite! It reminds me of spring time in Connecticut where I grew up. You did an amazing job with the blue sky and green grass. The flowers are beautiful. I love tulips! The flower pot was very creative with your color choices. Great job! Love Anna & Tony
- Anna(fan) on May 12, 2021
Hello Urvi; This is my favorite art piece of yours! I love it! The colors of the flowers and the delightful ceramic pot they are in, so original! Good choice to keep the sky blue and the grass green. Great job! Love Anna & Tony
- Anna(fan) on May 12, 2021
Remember Urvi, this art work of yours was displayed on the library last year. I am very glad.
- Sunil (Father) on April 13, 2021
Wonderful art work of seasons Urvi. Mommy likes it. Keep up the good work.
- Sunil (Father) on April 13, 2021
I like the colors you chose for your art work Urvi. That horse looks very happy. Keep up the good work.
- Sunil (Father) on April 13, 2021
Beautiful picture of you, my love. I like it. Mommy.
- Sunil (Father) on April 13, 2021
Beautiful blossoming flowers Urvi. Keep up the good work. Mommy
- Sunil (Father) on April 13, 2021
Beautiful and handsome snowman, Urvi. Keep up the good work. You have a great artist inside you my little minnow.
- Sunil (Father) on April 13, 2021
That cup cake art looks yummy, Urvi. Love you my little darling. Mommy
- Sunil (Father) on April 13, 2021
Great cat art Urvi. I like it my precious.
- Sunil (Father) on April 13, 2021
I like your art work Urvi. The flowers are very colorful, looking like spring in a beautiful pot of your creativity. Seeing your art work gives me a feeling of joy, my love. Keep up the good work. Love you Mom and dad
- Sunil (Father) on April 13, 2021
hi Mrs Parson, may I know who drew this painting? I just asked Urvi and she doesn't recollect drawing this. The picture looks bit like urvi. I'm interested to know who drew this. Thanks -Sunil
- Sunil (Father) on May 19, 2020
Very nice artwork, Urvi. You are very thoughtful with different color combinations and I always love the smile faces that you have drawn.
-- Hima
- on September 3, 2019
Mommy likes your art work Urvi. I adore it sweetie. I don't know anything about it. I think you got it from daddy.
-- Hima
- on April 24, 2019
-- Hima
- on December 12, 2018
Gobble, gobble..... Mom, dad, and Vera.
-- Hima
- on December 12, 2018
Urvi, you selected nice colors for this house. Mom, dad, and Vera
-- Hima
- on December 12, 2018
We like your art work Urvi. And we love you. Mom, Dad, and Vera.
-- Hima
- on December 12, 2018
hey pete cat
-- atta
- on April 13, 2021
love express
-- atta
- on April 13, 2021
OHHHHH scary1!!! vivek and avn loves it
-- atta
- on April 13, 2021
I like the colors you used Urvi. That is the cutest ?? owl. Mom, dad and Vera.
-- Hima
- on November 1, 2018
Wonderful haunted house Urvi. Mom, dad and Vera loves it.
-- Hima
- on November 1, 2018
I like your pumpkin truck Urvi, my lovie dovie.
-- Hima
- on November 1, 2018
Like your work sweetie. Love you Urvi. Best regards Mom, dad, Vera
-- Sunil
- on October 4, 2018
I know your rainbows are very colorful and best thing to look at because it cheers me up. In this picture mom loves the tiny details you added to your art work (like doors and circular windows) I love your creativity and spontaneity Urvi. With love Mom, dad and Vera.
-- Sunil
- on October 4, 2018
Your art work makes me feel very pleasant, and seeing those brings joy and happiness to my heart. I am glad you are enjoying it. Love you sweetie (our big sister Urvi)
-- Hima
- on October 4, 2018
Wonderful art work Urvi, mom, dad, Vera loves it. Very proud of you my lovvie Urvi. Those colors you selected are good. Your math and art work always makes me very happy. I love seeing those pictures. Hugs and kisses Mama, dada, and Vera.
-- Hima
- on October 4, 2018