Noah29511's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Noah29511's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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How did you draw such a perfect baseball? The little bit of shading and bold colors make it stand out so well. Looks like it's sailing straight to you on first base!! Donna
- Donna on May 22, 2024
I love your geometric colorful design. It has perfect shapes and the light colors remind me of upcoming spring. Love you. Auntie
- Glenna on May 22, 2024
This is such a striking collection of squares, rectangles and triangles. I like the way it's balanced and the selection of colors. Terrific work. G-Ma
- Donna on February 17, 2024
Noah, your picture is awesome. It reminds me of a peaceful day sitting at the beach, dreaming of happy days . The individual waves are unique and colorful. Glenna
- Glenna on November 25, 2023
Noah, I love your seascape drawing! It shows so much detail and a nice contrast of the blue and purple ocean waves, Keep up the terrific artwork.
- Donna on October 25, 2023
Yum yum, Noah.....let's go to Yoders for bacon and eggs and oatmeal and donuts and pancakes and waffles and an ice cream sundae. Love your appetizing artwork.
- Donna on May 13, 2020
Love the colorful design on this picture. Great display of different patterns. Neatly organized.
- Glenna on May 13, 2020
Of all these squiggles my favorite is the green block. It reminds me of castle walls. My second favorite is dark blue....ocean tides. I love imagining what each color shows. Which is your favorite?
- Donna on May 13, 2020
This is a great Mickey....I am always smiling to think about Disney World. I am very happy that your "mouse" artwork was included in the art show.
-- Donna
- on May 13, 2020
Your artwork of the dog is fantastic. I love his shaded multi colored fur and he has a very handsome face. The pretty background colors make the dog stand out very nicely! I love it. Auntie
-- Glenna
- on May 13, 2020
That sure is a great looking kitty cat. I love those bright eyes and the cute whiskers and pointy ears. All the cats at "Cat School" are so proud of you. Love, Aunt Glenna
-- Glenna
- on November 18, 2018
I love your artwork! You stayed in the lines of the shapes so well. I am always proud of you!! Auntie
-- Glenna
- on November 18, 2018