Cooper8135's Comments (69)

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Below are comments about Cooper8135's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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What a very imaginative drawing. It has sea creatures big and small in the water. Do I see a whale, clown fish, octopus, jelly fish? Looks like a lion plus another animal roaming about in the grass. Could those be 2 volcano's spewing lava and rocks? Is that the sun I see out in the sky? So much to see and imagine in this drawing. Keep up the great work!! Love it!
- Granny and Grandpa on May 8, 2024
Your camouflage painting was certainly eye stimulating. We really had to search hard to find what you hid in the painting. What a terrific job you did of blending the two colors to conceal your hand hiding within the artwork. Fantastic job!!
- Granny and Grandpa on May 8, 2024
Cooper, this painting is awesome! I love the tiger print. I think I see someone’s hand camouflaged by your paint strokes. ?? You are a very clever artist! Love, Grandma
- Lynne on May 1, 2024
That's the snazziest sneaker design I've ever seen. Very imaginative and so unique. Love the M&M candy theme! Great job!! Can't wait to see your next art creation.
- Granny & Grandpa on April 3, 2024
What a nicely blended caulk art drawing. One could imagine a breezy day on a pond, lake or ocean. With the breeze blowing across the sand and through high grasses on the shoreline. Well Done!
- Granny & Grandpa on March 14, 2024
Your clay artwork looks good enough to eat! The Pizza and French Fries are Very realistic, great job! Keep up the good work. Love seeing what you create!
- Granny & Grandpa on March 14, 2024
Yummo! Your pizza and French fries look good enough to eat! Great job, Cooper! Love, Grandma
- Lynne on March 14, 2024
I love, love, love the snowmen! Each one has his own personality. I bet this was a fun project because you like to build snowmen.
- Lynne on January 3, 2024
This art project is very interesting. It resembles a fructified blue pizza slice, with blueberry, raspberries and maybe some cinnamon toast crunch bits added on top, with a buttered popcorn crust. All the things you love to snack on. Love your imagination! Keep that imaginative mind of yours creating these interesting art pieces, we love it!
- Granny & Grandpa on January 3, 2024
I love these 4 snowmen. They look like they're in a Snowman football huddle to discuss what play to run or in snowmen style slide along. Your choice and use of colors on each snowman makes each one very unique. Keep up the good work, can't wait to see what you do next.
- Granny & Grandpa on January 3, 2024
Wow, what an interesting drawing. Your use of combining the reds, orange, blue and yellow to the round craft and the green on the grass and trees is wonderful, very colorful indeed. Well done, keep up the good work. Can't wait to see what you do next.
- Granny & Grandpa on November 2, 2023
What a beautiful job! Love the blending of different blue colors in the flower petals. Keep up the good work!
- Granny & Grandpa on November 2, 2023
What a interesting idea to combine a digital outline picture and add in your fantastic coloring to detail your art work. Very imaginative an unique. You did a wonderful job. Can't wait to see what you do next.
- Granny & Grandpa on May 10, 2023
Your animal chalk drawing is very mysterious. The large eyes catch your attention right away. Great job using and blending your chalk colors to bring the features of this animal to life. Terrific job!
- Granny & Grandpa on April 12, 2023
What a magnificent job you've done on your coiled pottery project. Great Job. We love the mixed color's you used in combination to create a interesting art piece. Can't wait to see what you do next, keep up the good work!
- Granny & Grandpa on March 29, 2023
These Llama's certainly are wearing the most beautifully colorful costumes I've even seen. They must all be heading to a fancy llama party. Love all the color combinations you used. Can't wait to see what you do next!
- Granny & Grandpa on March 1, 2023
Fantastic job on your pop art print. The color combinations you used in all four blocks are very lively. Each block, which are similar in shape and size, becomes very distinctly unique with your color choice and design. This artwork is just terrific, we just love it. Can't wait to see what you do next!
- Granny & Grandpa on December 28, 2022
Hi Cooper, I think this is some of your best artwork in 4th grade! It looks like you stayed focused and on task-good for you! Love, Grandma
- Lynne on December 21, 2022
Wow, look at those fall leaves fly around, the wind must really be blowing! Great job with your colors and love the house being engulfed with the beautiful color of fall. Terrific job, keep up the good work.
- Granny & Grandpa on December 21, 2022
Cooper we love the drawing you did of yourself. Great job, keep up the good work!
- Granny & Grandpa on November 2, 2022
Artist Don Drumm would be pleased with your vision of his art. Love the sun and the different colors shinning off the other two circle impressions. Very nice - Keep up the good work!
- Granny and Grandpa on October 5, 2022
I love this piece of art, Cooper. The three beautiful balls with the square shapes on them are about to flow through the blue hoop that is disobey the four triable shapes. Very Cool!
- Lynne on September 14, 2022
What a interesting composition you've created. With triangles, circles, squares, rectangles all so colorfully arranged. We just love the imaginative way you took with this design and we can't wait to see what you do next. Keep up the good work!!
- Granny & Grandpa on September 7, 2022
What a interesting composition you've created. With triangles, circles, squares, rectangles all so colorfully arranged. We just love the imaginative way you took with this design and we can't wait to see what you do next. Keep up the good work!!
- Granny & Grandpa on September 7, 2022
Terrific cactus looks almost real!! You did a fantastic. job molding everything together and painting your art project. Very nice job
- Granny & Grandpa on May 25, 2022
Wow, Love this art montage. Nice job with all your colors and pieced cut out, it really catches one's eye. Keep up the good work.
- Granny & Grandpa on May 25, 2022
What a lively and very colorful painting. Your imaginative take with objects, shapes and color is quite interesting. WE JUST LOVE YOUR WORK!! Great Job.
- Granny & Grandpa on May 25, 2022
Terrific bookmark - you did a great job with your weaving. We see you used your favorite color blue along with some other lively color threads of yarn. Keep up the good work, we love seeing your creations.
- Granny on March 16, 2022
Wet love your Birch Trees and Birds art work. You did a wonderful job making the birch tree bark look so real. Each bird is so unique and colorful too. They look like they are having fun in the trees. We can't wait to see what you next creation will be. Keep up the good work.
- Granny & Grandpa on January 12, 2022
What a scrumptious looking ice cream cone. Stacked so high with scoops of vanilla, chocolate, strawberry ice cream with red and dark chocolate shell covering. It looks yummy! Keep up the terrific artwork, we love what you do.
- Stephanie on December 8, 2021
Wow that's one giant sandwich! I see onion, tomato, lettuce, meat, chicken or fish piled high on a roll. Looks delicious! Good job - now let's eat!!
- Granny & Grandpa on November 10, 2021
We just love your pumpkin patch drawing. Your coloring of the sky and each pumpkin sitting in the pumpkin patch is excellent. I'm ready for Halloween. Keep up the good work!!
- Granny & Grandpa on November 10, 2021
Just love your outer space drawing, Your did a wonderful job with the colors, planets, spacecrafts, astronauts and stars. Keep up the good work.
- Granny on October 6, 2021
Grandpa and I just love this art work. Your layering of the multi-colors feather, green tropical leaves and the rippling blue water make this art piece come alive. Granny is getting a key chain with this art work on it. Keep up the great work!!
- Stephanie on April 7, 2021
What a terrific Frog sitting on a Lily Pad. Love your use of a paper plate for Lily pad and your colorful decorations, makes your frog come alive as it floats upon the lily pad. Great job, keep up the good work.
- Stephanie on April 7, 2021
Terrific Job!! Looks like the snowmen are enjoying some night time fun. Keep up the good work, we love seeing your creative artwork.
- Granny on January 28, 2021
Grandpa and I love your parade drawing. With the sun smiling down with puffy clouds up high in the sky, your buildings so tall and all people gathering makes it a perfect day for a parade. Keep up the good work!
- Stephanie on December 16, 2020
What a fantastic water color. Love how the house and fall tree colors reflect on the ponds watery surface. We loved it so much we ordered a 6x6 tile . Grandpa will make me a wood holder to making the tile into a trivet for my kitchen. Keep up the good work!
- Stephanie on November 11, 2020
Grandpa and I love your vision of the Matisse gold fish. We can see your choice, your favorite color blue takes center stage in coloring the fish swimming about in the bowl. Terrific job!!
- Stephanie on November 11, 2020
How creative - your use of everyday items to create tables, benches and main body of the Pizza chef in your drawing is very unique. That's thinking outside the box, Love your art work!! Can't wait to see what you do next! Granny and Grandpa
- Stephanie on October 14, 2020
Great job on your bubbles. Your colors and texture you used makes it look as if the bubbles are truly floating softly through the air. Terrific job - just love it, keep up the good work!! Granny and Grandpa
- Stephanie on October 14, 2020
Cooper what a colorfully designed guitar, Very nicely done. Love the blue background, which we know is your favorite color. Keep up the great work. Grandpa and I just love seeing your creations!
- Stephanie on April 1, 2020
What a interesting array of colors. See you've used your favorite color blue as the center of you art work. We love seeing all the art you create - Good Job!! Love Granny and Grandpa
- Stephanie on March 18, 2020
These Hearts are terrific. From the interesting design pattern to the faces your incorporated on the hearts to your coloring in the background. Just ordered a mug with your design on it, can't wait to have a cup of tea in it. Keep up the good work!! Love Granny and Grandpa
- Stephanie on March 18, 2020
What a great picture of a snowy winter night. It looks like a cold snowy winter night at Granny and Grandpa's house in Vermont. Keep up the good work!!
- Stephanie on February 12, 2020
Great job Cooper!! This is a wonderful picture of a cabin in winter. You captured the peacefulness of winter perfectly. Love you! -Aunt JJ
- Julie on February 12, 2020
What a interesting design , the red makes the picture pop. Grandpa ordered a key chain and I (Granny) ordered a Christmas ornament with this design on it. We can't wait to receive them. Keep up your imaginative art work, we love it.
- Stephanie on December 18, 2019
Great drawing, just love the expression on you did on the face. The sky color blending is very nice. and Granny and Grandpa see you used your favorite color blue too. Terrific job, keep up the good work.
- Stephanie on December 18, 2019
Terrific job on the gum ball machine - the colors are very vivid and we see you put your favorite color blue in there too! Granny and Grandpa love your art work.
- Stephanie on November 13, 2019
Cooper what a terrific job with the colorful buildings and the blended blues in the ski and all those beautiful stars. Wonderful job - keep up the good work! love Granny and Grandpa
- Stephanie on October 9, 2019
Hi Cooper - Wow, we love the colorful leaves floating in the blue water. Great job!! Keep up the good work! Love Granny and Grandpa
- Stephanie on October 9, 2019
Cooper your birds on the wire is wonderful. love the two blue birds at the end and all the feathery tops on all the birdies heads. Great Job - keep up the good work!! We ordered two etched tumblers with your Art work on it, can't wait to receive them.
- on September 25, 2019
Hi Cooper! Papa and I love the birds! They are so colorful and fun with the feathers on their heads! Great job! Keep up the good work in art class!
- on September 11, 2019
Wow what a neat looking fish. And I love your use of the color blue, know it your favorite color. Keep up the good work - Great Job!
-- Stephanie
- on March 6, 2019
Wow, very interesting - this reindeer must be playing hide and seek! Love your unique style.
-- Stephanie
- on February 6, 2019
Love this art work Cooper, Keep up the good work. I just ordered my Valentines mug with your art design on it, can't wait for it to arrive.
-- Stephanie
- on February 6, 2019
Hi Cooper, These designs are so colorful. I count 1, 2, 3, 4 hearts in many pretty colors. Keep up the good work in art class! Love, Grandma
-- Lynne
- on February 6, 2019
This is a very creative and thought provoking peice. It makes me think of winter, spring, summer and fall with a heart theme that features my favorite color, blue.
-- Papa
- on February 6, 2019
I love the picture of your winter village Cooper! The snowfall and trees are so realistic. A true winter wonderland. You are very talented. :)
-- Julie
- on December 19, 2018
Hi Cooper, I am sorry I didn’t see this before. It’s an awesome picture! It looks like you had to do a lot of cutting to make it just right! Love, Grandma
-- Lynne
- on December 12, 2018
Cooper, I love this picture of the colorful houses! It looks like a winter scene with the bare trees and snow flakes in the air. Blue crayon really got a workout! You did an awesome job! Grandma
-- Lynne
- on December 12, 2018
Love the way you did with the lily pads and flowers. makes me want to walk on the bridge and watch the water ripple as it heads down stream. Great job!!
-- Stephanie
- on November 25, 2018
Cooper, We love your artwork!! Very nicely done!
-- GramaPapa
- on October 24, 2018
This is a HOOT and is very well done!!!
-- GramaPapa
- on October 24, 2018
Cooper what wonderfully colored fall tress. Great Job! That's just what our trees look like here in Vermont right now. Keep up the good work, we just love it!!
-- Stephanie
- on October 24, 2018
-- Stephanie
- on September 23, 2018
Cooper, Papa and I love this artwork especially the pops of red, yellow, and, of course, blue! Nice job! Keep on creating! Love, Grandma
-- Lynne
- on September 23, 2018
Great job Cooper - your colors mixture is just terrific!!
-- Stephanie
- on September 23, 2018
Good job Coop!!
-- Erin
- on September 19, 2018