Ashlyn4769's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Ashlyn4769's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is very cool and amazing. I love it and you so much. Love Daddy ??
- Caleb on February 11, 2020
This is probably the scariest yet friendly bat that I have ever seen ?? love how you used the drawing and arts and crafts together. Great cuts on the wings and tail!
- Caleb on December 8, 2019
I love the half and half butterfly. Such an imagination you have to not make them be the same ??
- Caleb on December 8, 2019
I love this! It's so amazing. I like how well you are developing your line control and seeing the wind blow in the background.
- Caleb on February 11, 2020
Ashlyn you are becoming such an amazing artist! Great job!!
- Caleb on December 8, 2019
I love the use of colors and how well you are learning to match and stay I side the lines. You always amazed me ??
- Caleb on December 8, 2019
I love how creative you are and everything you do is so beautiful to me. I love you. From your Dad.
- Caleb on December 8, 2019
Keep up the good work Ashlyn.
- Hazel on December 8, 2019
The imagery and thought put in to this is awesome!
-- Caleb Coffey
- on December 13, 2018
This is absolutely beautiful. I love it!
-- Caleb Coffey
- on December 13, 2018
Love all of the beautiful colors! And the use of the color wheel as a beach ball.
-- Samantha
- on September 20, 2018