Ever226's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about Ever226's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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On a cup....leaf me alone I'm drinking my coffee...
- Tammy (Mother) on October 10, 2023
I love the way you see the world...I love the way you express depth through shading. Very NICE! I want it on on a shirt...
- Tammy (Mother) on October 10, 2023
You are awesome!
- Tammy (Mother) on December 27, 2022
Awesome interpretation!! Keep up the great work. Never stop being or building a beautiful creation.
- Tammy (Mother) on February 9, 2022
Thank you for sharing your amazing art skills in this collaborative piece! The art for the holiday program could not have been done so well and so quickly without the teamwork form our wonderful DESIGN TEAM! You are rockin' it in the art room! :)
- Caitlin (teacher at Flatonia Elementary School) on January 10, 2021
Thank you for sharing your amazing art skills in this collaborative piece! The art for the holiday program could not have been done so well and so quickly without the teamwork form our wonderful DESIGN TEAM! You are rockin' it in the art room! :)
- Caitlin (teacher at Flatonia Elementary School) on January 10, 2021
Thank you for sharing your amazing art skills in this collaborative piece! The art for the holiday program could not have been done so well and so quickly without the teamwork form our wonderful DESIGN TEAM! You are rockin' it in the art room! :)
- Caitlin (teacher at Flatonia Elementary School) on January 10, 2021
Thank you for sharing your amazing art skills in this collaborative piece! The art for the holiday program could not have been done so well and so quickly without the teamwork form our wonderful DESIGN TEAM! You are rockin' it in the art room! :)
- Caitlin (teacher at Flatonia Elementary School) on January 10, 2021
Thank you for sharing your amazing art skills in this collaborative piece! The art for the holiday program could not have been done so well and so quickly without the teamwork form our wonderful DESIGN TEAM! You are rockin' it in the art room! :)
- Caitlin (teacher at Flatonia Elementary School) on January 10, 2021
Thank you for sharing your amazing art skills in this collaborative piece! The art for the holiday program could not have been done so well and so quickly without the teamwork form our wonderful DESIGN TEAM! You are rockin' it in the art room! :)
- Caitlin (teacher at Flatonia Elementary School) on January 10, 2021
Batty about your creativity!!
-- Tammy
- on March 7, 2019
HI Ever! You have created some very neautiful artwork (my favorite is the candy candy cane!) Keep creatinh to yours bearts desire; you have a lot of great artist in your family, we have Nonny to thank for that. I hope you always enjoy art in any form you choose, for your whole life. You are talentef already!
-- Jaime
- on December 9, 2018
I love, love, love your candy cane!!
-- Sharon
- on December 9, 2018
Absolutely beautiful. I love your use of colors.
-- Sharon
- on December 9, 2018
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