Brooke13601's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Brooke13601's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is very good Brooke! I love it!
- Amber (stepmom) on November 10, 2021
I love your sky. You made it look like the Northern Lights in Alaska. So colorful. Nice job!
- Kim on November 24, 2019
Brooke you did a GREAT job of drawing a scarecrow! Your details make him look like you could find him on a farm. Keep up the good work.
- Kim on November 24, 2019
What a nice variety of trees. The colors remind me of a winter sunset. You have a great eye for size and space usage.
- Kim on November 24, 2019
Awww. You made something creepy look cute. Love the web colors!
- Kim on November 24, 2019
What a Beautiful sunflower!!
- Kim on November 24, 2019
I really like your choice of colors and shapes.
- Grandma on November 24, 2019
Look at all of those big smiles!! And all of your favorite colors.
- Grandma on November 24, 2019
Very nice use of color and space.
- Grandma on November 24, 2019
Looks like a piece of modern art.
- Grandma on November 24, 2019
All of your creations are happy, just like YOU!
- Grandma on November 24, 2019
A sweet flower drawn by a sweet girl. This is my favorite!
- Grandma on November 24, 2019
Brooke when I see your colorful artwork it makes me smile and I’m happy. It’s just like you; pretty, uplifting and joyful. One of my favorite possessions is the picture you drew of Grandpa, you and I holding hands. I hope your creativity continues to bloom. Love you so much!!
- Grandma on November 24, 2019