Drake3239's Comments (68)

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Below are comments about Drake3239's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Winter Trees. Those trees look just like the ones in my yard when the leaves are gone. Like the smoke coming out of the house and mountains in winter sunset. Love your great artwork.
- YaYa Brenda on December 13, 2023
Love your winter scene. The skyline is beautiful. It looks like some of the beautiful sunsets that we have had recently. I am glad we haven't had the snowy landscape. That's a cabin I would love to rent - solitude and serene. Good good Drake!!
- Wendy(fan) on December 13, 2023
Wow!! Extremely creative artwork Drake! I love it! Way to go!
- Wendy on December 13, 2023
I think that looks like a fellow from Mars maybe. Would be a scary Ttitan to meet at a school event. I love your imagination. Keep drawing!!
- YaYa Brenda on December 13, 2023
Very Patriotic heart Drake!! I think Valentine's Day should always be patriotic. Awesome! Like it!!
- Wendy on December 13, 2023
Wow! What great colors in your design. Awesome work,
- YaYa Brenda on December 13, 2023
That's a great snowman. Hat and scarf matching with a snow flake for this winter.
- Brenda Yaya on December 21, 2022
Drake, This is a pretty awesome snowman! He has so much personality in his facial expression - so friendly. Looking at him almost makes me wish we had snow on the ground - Almost! Good job Drake!!
- Wendy(fan) on December 21, 2022
Drake, I love your winter wonderland with the classic snowman. Great work son. Love Dad.
- Trevor (Father) on December 10, 2022
Nice artwork Drake. I love ice cream - so that part is my favorite. The rooftop level of your creation is very cool. I like the creativity! Keep up the good work!
- Wendy(fan) on April 6, 2022
Love your ice cream cone! It looks yummy - 3 scoops! Makes me hungry for ice cream. Good work Drake!!
- Wendy on April 6, 2022
That is some giant ice cream cone of flavors!! I think it's cherry, orange and blueberry with chocolate syrup on top. Our kind of sweet treat. Great work.
- Brenda Yaya on April 6, 2022
Great work Drake! Uncle Dean and I always enjoy getting to see your artistic creations! Your art always seems to go above and beyond what the teacher assigns to you. Your details are amazing. In your penguin picture, you not only replicated the still life, but also the backdrop. Excellent! :o)
- Wendy on April 6, 2022
Stellar work DSF... Love Uncle Les
- Les II on August 11, 2021
Drake...your art always makes me smile!! Keep your creative side flowing! Mom
- Nichole on May 10, 2021
Next time I talk to you we can discuss your art project. The split sun is very interesting but perhaps that's not what it is. It's been great seeing all your work.
- Brenda YaYa on May 10, 2021
Great work Drake !!
- Les on May 10, 2021
Butterfly art is great. Love the colors and active patterns of the wings. Keep up the great work.
- Brenda Yaya on April 29, 2021
That is an interesting study you must have completed on pottery. Your Grma Karen should make vases too. I like this very much.
- Brenda Yaya on April 29, 2021
Drake this art piece is very interesting I see a bit of a face, a bid and maybe a ship from Star Wars all in this piece you have designed. Kep up the cool work ! Love Uncle Les
- Les on March 31, 2021
What a beautiful masterpiece...we will have to frame this one!
- Nichole (Mother) on February 23, 2021
You know just what trees look like from all the walks you take in nature. I like your use of color. Keep up the good work.
- Brenda Yaya on February 23, 2021
Drake your artwork is progessing in a great direction. I love the birch trees. Love, Dad
- Trevor (Father) on February 23, 2021
Great work !!
- Les on February 23, 2021
Great work Drake !!
- Uncle Les on February 23, 2021
Nice work Picasso...
- Uncle Les on February 11, 2021
Perfect artwork for Valentine's Day celebration. Keep up the great work.
- Brenda YaYa on February 11, 2021
Great work on the shadows beside each object. Keep up the great work.
- Brenda YaYa on February 11, 2021
Great colors on those candy canes with over lapping each other. Such a fun drawing project.
- Brenda YaYa on February 11, 2021
Looks great and also yummy !!
- Uncle Les on January 16, 2021
Cool picture Drake !!
- Uncle Les on January 16, 2021
Whoa. That's some piece of artwork. We will have to discuss it further the next time we talk. You are very creative and I love that.
- Brenda YaYa on January 16, 2021
Drake this looks fantastic..
- Les (Uncle Les) on January 16, 2021
We will have to discuss your Robot art project. Wonder what a guy like that can do? I think he is throwing a football. Great work. Love You.
- Brenda YaYa on January 16, 2021
Drake, Looking good man !! Keep the fantastic art coming because I really enjoy seeing all the cool stuff you draw.
- Uncle Les on January 16, 2021
Drake that's a good looking dude. So are you. Love, dad
- Trevor on November 12, 2020
Flower power. Yia Yia loves this art work to. Keep exploring your mind.
- Trevor on November 12, 2020
Drake I love the checkerboard pattern. Your pumpkin has hair. Cool. See you later, Dad.
- Trevor on November 12, 2020
DSF for life Love, TLF.
- Trevor on November 12, 2020
Drake your pumpkin is as good as the one we carved for Halloween. Keep exploring your artistic mind! You're doing awesome.
- Trevor on November 12, 2020
Drake you really did a wonderful job of drawing your face. Next time you are over you can draw a picture of me. Keep up your great artistic talents.
- Brenda YaYa on November 12, 2020
Drakey my boy your art work has come a long way. Keep up the great work. Love, Dad
- Trevor on November 12, 2020
Great work!! You did super on that pumpkin. A great fall picture.
- Brenda Yaya on November 12, 2020
Hey Drake, The art shown here reminds me of a pumpkin. Gosh dude this is incredible work young man !! Keep it up, love you lots.. Uncle Lessie
- Uncle Les on November 12, 2020
Great work Drake.
- Les on October 3, 2020
Just in time for fall and Halloween. I really like your creation! Keep up the good work. Love YaYa
- YaYa Brenda on October 3, 2020
That was a challenging project. Next time I see you we will need to discuss the ideas you added. There must be a story to go with each piece of art. Hugs.
- Brenda YaYa on October 3, 2020
Drake, That is a really cool snowman, keep up the great art work !! Love Uncle Les
- Les on October 3, 2020
This is a great snowman. Love his long nose. Hope we have snow that you can build one during you Christmas break. Keep up the great work.
- Brenda Yaya on October 3, 2020
Drake, This is pretty cool artwork with the letters of your name. I also like all the smiley faces. Keep up the good work. Love YaYa
- on October 4, 2019
Drake, That is super cool and my favorite piece of art for sure...D.S.F. thats awesome.. Love Uncle Lessie
- on October 4, 2019
Drake, Your art skills have blossomed just like the beautiful flowers you made!!! Keep up your hard work. Love mom
-- Nichole
- on October 4, 2019
Drake, That is some really cool art !! Those are all different kinds of flowers and you did such a great job with the color choices !! Love Uncle Lessie
-- Leslie
- on May 15, 2019
Those are great flowers. You know I love my summer gardens. Maybe we can plant some seeds and watch them grow. Keep up the good work.
-- Brenda Yaya
- on May 15, 2019
This is a favorite of my mine. Love the snow flakes coming down.
-- Brenda YaYa
- on May 15, 2019
Very interesting use of colors. You'll have to tell me about the artwork the next time I see you. Keep up the great work.
-- Brenda YaYa
- on May 15, 2019
Really like the hearts and the colors you choose. Keep up the great work little buddy !! Love Uncle Lessie
-- Les
- on May 15, 2019
Drake what a great looking snow man. Your art skills are improving with each piece you create. Is that Barley's tail in the snow? Love, dad.
-- Trevor
- on January 29, 2019
Hey Drake, I love the colors you chose for this piece of artwork !! Keep up the great work !! Love Uncle Lessie
-- Les
- on January 29, 2019
Hey Drake, This looks pretty interesting it kind of looks like a monster !! Love Uncle Lessie
-- Les
- on January 29, 2019
Great work Drake !! The snowman is really cool !! Love Uncle Lessie
-- Les
- on January 29, 2019
Drake, I love the colors you have chosen for this piece of art !! Love Uncle Lessie
-- Leslie
- on January 29, 2019
Drake, This is a pretty wild picture !! Keep up the great work !! Love Uncle Lessie
-- Leslie
- on January 29, 2019
Drake, I really am excited to see all of your cool art work !! I really like the snowman !! Love Uncle Lessie
-- Leslie
- on January 29, 2019
What a great snowman. Bet you have one in your yard too since we have all the new snow. Keep up the great work.
-- YaYa
- on January 24, 2019
Drake I'm so proud of you. Your coloring skills have gotten so good! Keep up the hard work & creativity! Love Mom
-- Nichole
- on November 7, 2018
Three hands you called it. I cant wait to see what's next. Love, Dad
-- Trevor
- on October 10, 2018
Drake your skills have been improving every day!!! I'm so proud of you !!!! Love Mom
-- Nichole
- on October 3, 2018