Layla5379's Comments (19)

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Below are comments about Layla5379's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I absolutely love this one! Job well done!
- Sue on November 14, 2022
Looks good enough to eat!
- Sue on March 16, 2022
Don’t you wish you could go see some real mountains? I do!
- Sue on March 16, 2022
Very beautiful!
- Sue on March 16, 2022
VERY pretty! Looks like a sunrise or sunset on the farm.
- Sue on March 16, 2022
VERY pretty! Looks like a sunrise or sunset on the farm.
- Sue on March 16, 2022
Oh, what a sweet Valentine ! Love you!
- Sue on March 16, 2022
That is QUITE a robot!
- Sue on February 10, 2021
VERY nice pumpkin!
- Sue on February 10, 2021
Very, very nice and colorful!
- Sue on February 10, 2021
Ha ha! It kind of looks like you!
- Sue on February 10, 2021
VERY pretty!
- Sue on February 10, 2021
Love the wall. Would you be afraid to climb it? Not me! Ha ha!!!
- Sue on September 9, 2020
Excellent artwork, Layla!
- Sue on September 9, 2020
Layla, that is a great snowman!
- Sue on September 9, 2020
Beautifully done!
- on September 18, 2019
VERY pretty!
-- Sue
- on May 22, 2019
I really like your artwork so far. The snowman is REALLY cute and your valentine is very pretty! Keep up the good work. Love, Grandma Sue
-- Susan
- on May 1, 2019
I love your ??!
-- Grandma Kris
- on May 1, 2019