Hunter22005's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about Hunter22005's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great job Hunter!
- Jim on January 19, 2022
You are quite the artist Hunter. I always love your artwork!
- Gram Cindy on January 19, 2022
Great job Hunter
- Jim on January 19, 2022
Great job Hunter!
- Jim on January 19, 2022
Great job Hunter
- Jim on January 19, 2022
Great job Hunter!
- Jim on January 19, 2022
Awesome job Hunter!
- Jim on January 19, 2022
Awesome job Hunter!
- Jim on January 19, 2022
Great job Hunter.
- Jim on October 28, 2020
Great job Hunter!
- Jim on October 28, 2020
Beautiful flowers Hunter and I really like the smiling sun!
-- Gram Cindy
- on October 28, 2020
I LOVE your owl picture Hunter!!!
-- Gram Cindy
- on October 28, 2020
Oh my, are you sticking your tongue out?! I really love this picture of yourself. It makes me smile!
-- Gram
- on October 31, 2018
Great job!
-- Amanda
- on October 31, 2018
I like the colors you chose. Very nice job!
-- Gram Cindy
- on October 3, 2018