Hi Otto - I’m loving your Purple Pumpkin! It’s very creative, just like you. Love, Grandma Linda
- Linda on January 15, 2025
Otto, this is such a fun piece of art! I love it. Love, Grandma Linda
- Linda on March 20, 2024
Dear Otto - I am loving this! The colors remind me of Spring and it makes me feel happy and energetic. It looks like you took your time to make it look exactly the way you wanted it. Way to go! I hope you do more.
- Grandma Linda on May 2, 2022
Hi Otto: I absolutely love your rainbows! They make me feel happy. Also, I really think the way you have them arranged is quite creative. Keep up the good work. I miss you! Love, Grandma Linda
- Linda on May 2, 2022
Hello Otto! I'm really enjoying the painting you made of buildings! They seem to have personalities all their own. I think it is raining in the picture too. I especially love the colors you chose. I hope you love making art - you seem to be pretty good at it! Lots of love, Grandma Linda
- Grandma Linda on May 2, 2022
Dear Otto: i love the heart you have made, just in time for Valentine's Day! It's beautiful with all the bright, happy colors. i hope you keep making art. Love, Grandma Linda
- Linda on February 12, 2020
Otto, I LOVE this robot! You choose really good colors and they go together very nicely. Great job - keep up the good work. Love you a lot, Grandma Linda
- Linda on January 8, 2020
Hi Otto: I love this piece of art - all full of beautiful primary colors - bright and happy, just like you! Much love, Grandma Linda
- on October 3, 2019
Otto! This is very cool! I like all the business going on and how you balance the big shapes with the little. So proud! Dad
- Brendan (Father) on September 20, 2019
Dear Otto: Tulips are one of my favorite flowers in the Spring. Your picture of them is beautiful! Nice work. -- Grandma Linda
- on May 22, 2019
What a fun picture with so many colors! I love the fun you have with your artwork! Love, Daddy -- Brendan
- on April 26, 2019
Otto, you are right; it IS a wonderful world! Thank you for this bright and colorful reminder. -- Grandma Linda
- on April 26, 2019
Dear Otto: I absolutely love your artwork! I can see some objects that I think you used - buttons, some pasta - it's very interesting and would look wonderful on the wall. Keep up the great work! Love, Grandma Linda -- Linda
- on April 11, 2019
I can't wait to hear about your robot! You are always so imaginative and this looks very cool! -- Brendan
- on March 20, 2019
Otto, you did such a great job with this! I have seen you practicing drawing this elsewhere, too, and I love that you find joy in art. Awesome! -- Brendan
- on January 31, 2019
Otto, I love that you made a snowman at night. It is beautiful! -- Linda
- on January 31, 2019
Very cool! -- Brendan
- on January 24, 2019
Otto, I bet making this pinch pot was really fun to do! Blue is one of my favorite colors, so it's especially beautiful to me. -- Grandma Linda
- on December 19, 2018
Dear Otto: your artwork is very creative and I love your choice of shapes and colors! I hope you make some art every day. -- Linda
- on November 28, 2018
Beautiful Otto! -- Raquel
- on September 27, 2018
Otto, I love your choice of colors! Some are vivid and bright, while others are softer. Thank you for sharing your artwork. I always look forward to seeing more. -- Linda
- on September 27, 2018
Otto, I love your shapes artwork and hope you create many more! Grandma Linda -- Linda
- on September 12, 2018
I love the colors! -- Brendan
- on September 11, 2018
This very cool! -- Brendan
- on September 11, 2018
Wonderful work! I love your colorful artwork.
- Lauren (teacher at Brookridge Elementary School) on August 25, 2018
Your art is beautiful! I'm glad you are in my art class.
- Lauren (teacher at Brookridge Elementary School) on August 25, 2018