Callie2798's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Callie2798's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Callie, I love your artwork! You are so creative! Keep on drawing. You are doing excellent! Love you sunshine. Love, Mawmaw Tucker
- Mamaw Tucker on May 20, 2020
Mamaw and Papaw just love your new artwork Callamazoo! Great job! Hugs and kisses!
- Mamaw Tucker on October 23, 2019
Great job my Calemazoo! Mamaw loves how creative you are! Keep up the great work!
-- Robin
- on September 12, 2018
Callie, I am so excited so see your artwork and all of the amazing things that you are going to create!!! Doki Doki! Papaw
-- Papaw
- on September 5, 2018