Grayson4214's Comments (20)

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Below are comments about Grayson4214's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Good job, Grayson! Looks like a game truck. The salesman sounds like he is not patient waiting for someone to buy. Good lines making the truck stand out.
- Silly Grandma (Grandmother) on May 10, 2024
WOW! This is so cool. It looks like the music is coming out. Good job! This must be a rock star's guitar. Very good detail. Love you! Silly Grandma
- Silly Grandma on April 28, 2024
Good job, Grayson! Very good shape and spacing of the colors. Nice vibrant colors! I can tell you like art. Love you!
- Silly Grandma on May 4, 2024
You made me hungry, Grayson. I thought this was real! Good job spacing the pieces out in the box and nice shades of color. Great detail in each piece. You amaze me.
- Silly Grandma on February 7, 2024
Great job, Grayson! You made the train look like it was coming from far, far away. Awesome!!! Love you! Silly Grandma
- Silly Grandma (Grandmother) on December 15, 2023
Wow! What a nice picture, but it makes me feel cold. I see snow coming down landing on the ground and on the fence. And it looks like the wind is blowing hard. Brrrrr. You really do a good job. The colors are nice and you do a good job showing shadows. GOOD JOB!
- Silly Grandma (Grandmother) on December 1, 2023
Good job, Grayson! I really like the eyes. He's looking right at me. You did a super job making his beak look shiny too. Keep up the good work. I love you! Silly Grandma
- Silly Grandma (Grandmother) on October 19, 2023
These are pretty colors. You'll have to tell me how you did this. It looks like the same pattern was used on each page. Am I right? Keep up the good work, Grayson! Love you! Silly Grandma
- Silly Grandma (Grandmother) on October 11, 2023
Grayson, this is such a nice picture. You really put a lot of work into it! The reflection in the water looks so good! Are these special mountains? I can see faces on them like Mt. Rushmore!! Keep up the good work. Love, Silly Grandma
- Silly Grandma (Grandmother) on September 28, 2023
This is my favorite so far. You did such a detailed job that it looks real. The bark on the tree and the different feathers on the bird look nice. You did a great job!!
- Silly Grandma (Grandmother) on September 18, 2023
Wow, this shark is scary! Look at all those teeth!! You did a great job, Grayson. Sharks are supposed to look scary so you did a good job!
-- Silly Grandma
- on May 15, 2019
I love your pretty butterfly! Such bright colors too! Good job!!
-- Silly Grandma
- on May 15, 2019
Hi Grayson! You did a really good job making the Easter Bunny. I like his big eyes. I bet he was tired after delivering Easter candy. I will see you after we leave Arizona. We drove past Silly Mountain tonight and I thought of you. Love you!!
-- Silly Grandma
- on May 15, 2019
Good job!! Polar bears can be so funny. Have you seen polar bears at the zoo? I like the nose and mouth on your drawing. That makes him look like a real one. Love you!
-- Silly Grandma
- on May 15, 2019
This is a wonderful picture! You did a really did a great job. Santa would like this. Keep up the good work!
-- Silly Grandma
- on May 15, 2019
Grayson, that is an awesome turkey!! Lots of colors and he looks fat, too! You are doing a very good job. I really like that turkey. Does he have a name? How about George? He looks like a George to me. I will talk to you soon. Love You! Silly Grandma
-- Silly Grandma
- on May 15, 2019
Hi Grayson!! Is this a mean monster? He has lots of teeth! I hope he brushed his teeth every day . Cavities would make him sad. Keep up the good work. I like to see your drawings on the computer. Love you! Silly grandma
-- Silly Grandma
- on May 15, 2019
Hi Grayson! I love this picture. He looks very happy. And I like his bow tie! I hope I can talk to you again soon. I miss you. Keep up the good work at school. Love you! Silly grandma
-- Silly Grandma
- on May 15, 2019
Good job, Grayson! I love pumpkins and this is such a pretty orange color. And you made a good green top so it can be a handle on the Halloween jack-o-lantern. I'm very proud of you. Keep up the good work.
-- Silly Grandma
- on May 15, 2019
Wow, Grayson! I really like this picture. You did a very good job I am so happy I can see your artwork on my computer since I live far away. I will be watching for more pictures. Good job! Love you! Silly Grandma
-- Silly Grandma
- on October 3, 2018