Caleb21553's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Caleb21553's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very good Caleb. Keep up the good work. Lytania (Mimi)
-- Lytania
- on March 13, 2019
I think you did a great job!’ Keep it up
-- Cherrelle
- on March 13, 2019
Good job Caleb. Keep doing good! Love, Mimi
-- Lytania
- on February 25, 2019
Very good!! Love, Mimi
-- Lytania
- on February 25, 2019
Great imagination!! Keep up the good work Caleb. I am looking forward to seeing your next art work. Love you, Mimi
-- Lytania
- on February 25, 2019
Good job!!
-- Cherrelle
- on February 25, 2019
Creative Caleb, keep it up!! You’re very talented I must say because sculpting is not easy!!
-- Cherrelle
- on February 25, 2019
Keep up the good work Caleb, I enjoy seeing it!!
-- Cherrelle
- on January 1, 2019
Great art work and great details! Art is amazing especially when you have the ability to draw things that come to mind and make them visible to others to also to see how great you art is. Can’t wait for more of your artworkand this is a great path for a wonderful future, keep it up!! Love you, you’re mother! -Cherrelle
-- Cherrelle
- on October 17, 2018
Caleb I am so proud of you!! Keep expressing yourself through art and never stop doing what you love to do. Your art work makes me smile and warms me up! Love you mister Caleb. Your mother, Cherrelle
-- Cherrelle
- on October 15, 2018
I enjoyed seeing your new art work. Keep doing your best and enjoy yourself. You love for strawberries shows. I Love you, Mimi
-- Lytania
- on October 15, 2018
Caleb, I have enjoyed seeing your first Artsonia artwork. Very inspirational. Thanks for the nice comment you wrote too. Keep up the good work. Love, MiMi
-- Lytania
- on September 11, 2018