Derrick2401's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Derrick2401's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is unique.
-- Shelia
- on December 10, 2018
I'm sure that you enjoyed creating your sea creature. I knew that it would have green on it, since it is your favorite color. Good imagination.
-- Shelia
- on December 10, 2018
I liked your colorful artwork.
-- Shelia
- on October 30, 2018
I like the blue and green colors. Good job.
-- Shelia
- on October 17, 2018
Good job. It is interesting to see your vision of artwork thru your eyes.
-- Shelia
- on October 17, 2018
Good job son! I like the colors.
-- Dad
- on October 10, 2018
This is your most colorful work yet. I like the array of colors that you used.
-- Shelia
- on October 5, 2018
Very colorful. Keep up the good work.
-- Shelia
- on September 19, 2018
Great job Derrick! I like the color scheme.
-- Brittany
- on August 30, 2018
You are doing good on your artwork. Keep putting your mind and heart into your drawing, and you will always be very good.
-- Shelia
- on August 30, 2018
Derrick, Great job!
-- Dad
- on August 30, 2018
I am so happy that you are enjoying class and getting creative in your work. I like your kitty "I" that you told me about and like all the different symbols of who you are and what you like. Keep up the good work.
-- Mom
- on August 24, 2018
I enjoyed your name artwork. I look forward to seeing more of your artwork.
-- Shelia
- on August 24, 2018