This artwork is very cool. I’d love to see on the wall! Love the colors!
- Beth on May 12, 2021
beautiful work. more please grandpa robert
- Robert on January 27, 2021
This picture is wonderful!
- Beth on January 27, 2021
i love the palm tree! it looks like our back yard. great picture xavy.
- Grandpa Robert on November 25, 2020
i hear this beautiful drawing is so good it is on your school’s online gallery. that’s quite an honor, and i can see why. way to go xavy. grandpa robert
- Robert on October 28, 2020
awesome! great color. more please
- grandpa Robert on August 26, 2020
I love how your mice are different colors and that they are sooo fat!
- Paxton(fan) on August 19, 2020
wow xavery that is amazing! You are awesome!
- Paxton(fan) on August 19, 2020
Ooo Xavi! Brody and I love!!! Keep up the great work :)
- Liz on August 14, 2020
That is so good. I love it Xavi
- Grandma And Grandpa on August 14, 2020
Looks like all Papa’s mice will be there for Thanksgiving dinner
- Beth on August 14, 2020
Xavi’s Native American motifs are well done.
- Grandma Beth on August 14, 2020
Xavi’s artwork is very lifelike and beautiful.
- on September 11, 2019
I really like the background. It allows the crosses to stand out and be the focal point of the scene at Calvary. -- Grandma Beth
- on September 11, 2019
This is so cute can I wear it?! -- Paxton
- on September 11, 2019
This is the most fabulous artwork you have done yet! -- Beth
- on September 11, 2019
Xavery this one is probably one of the weirdest piece of artwork that I have seen -- Jaxon
- on September 11, 2019
I love the detail that you put into this lovely piece of artwork. The precise details most have taken you ages to compete it. Good job!! -- Jaxon
- on September 11, 2019
Xavery you are so talented! I love you and I am so proud of you! -- Paxton
- on September 11, 2019
I love the springlike colors and subject matter. Almost makes me forget that it is winter outside -- Grandma Beth
- on September 11, 2019
Xav this artwork is so cool! I love all the colors! How did you make this? -- Paxton
- on September 11, 2019
Xavery - This is a very beautiful bowl. We were just at the Chihuly museum and your work would fit right in there. Keep up the amazing artwork -- Grandma and Grandpa
- on September 11, 2019
Xav this is such a beautiful piece of art! I love the patterns that you created! -- Paxton aka Sissy
- on September 11, 2019
OMG the leaves they aren't green what happened? Oh that's right it's fall the leaves change colors in the fall and die in the winter which leaf is your favorite? And I love the color choice you picked really brings the attention to this wonderful masterpiece -- Bubby
- on September 11, 2019
Is it the very hungry caterpillar??? It is such a good piece of artwork! Red, blue, yellow!!! I love the detail that you put into it and I bet that it took you so long to make it unless you are Picasso. Love you xavy -- Bubby
- on October 31, 2018
This is AMAZING! I love it! -- Paxton
- on October 10, 2018
This piece of art looks amazing. Maybe next time you can make me some ice cream because it looks delicious! -- Jaxon
- on October 10, 2018
Xavery did a great job on this picture!! Love you Xavery! - Big Brother Alex -- Alex
- on October 10, 2018
This is a little less abstract than several of her other recent pieces. I think this work represents a maturity that we’ve not seen from this artist. In all seriousness, I like this one a lot! -- David