Elliot2171's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Elliot2171's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Using nice watercolor paper makes painting more enjoyable, and it helps blend colors nicely. Using the wet-on-wet painting technique helped to create a beauiful sky. Nice job!
- Mary (teacher at Waunakee Prairie Elementary School (K-4)) on May 26, 2022
You did a great job learning how to blend colors to create a 3D image. Using chalk pastels is exciting, and the results are vivid and beautiful. Nice job!
- Mary (teacher at Waunakee Prairie Elementary School (K-4)) on May 26, 2022
This is one of my all-time favorite projects. Learning to use close observation when creating art is important. Abstract self- portraits are so interesting and funny!
- Mary (teacher at Waunakee Prairie Elementary School (K-4)) on May 26, 2022
I love the colors and shapes. Great job with overlapping and filling in the space in a fun and interesting way.
- Mary (teacher at Waunakee Prairie Elementary School (K-4)) on April 17, 2019
I love your sunset painting. I hope you had fun blending the colors together.
- Mary (teacher at Waunakee Prairie Elementary School (K-4)) on April 4, 2019