Kelly1117's Comments (30)

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Below are comments about Kelly1117's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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my srtwork is so pretty!
- on September 28, 2009
- on September 12, 2009
this is so cool!
- on June 4, 2009
This is strikingly beautiful, isn't it?
- on May 31, 2009
i love your beach its really cool how you did the painting with just the color black! =]
- on May 25, 2009
Kelly, have you been to the Credit Union of America on E. Harry to see your oil pastel sun in the Spring Art Show? You can vote once per day for your favorite artist. The show will be up for just a few more days.
- on May 25, 2009
Congratulations Kelly! Your sun painting is on display at the Credit Union of America (E. Harry branch) in the Seltzer Spring Art Show.
- on May 9, 2009
your dragon is so creative and colorful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- on May 4, 2009
There are lots of interesting patterns in your dragon painting, Kelly!
- on April 19, 2009
i love your sky its really pretty!=]
- on March 30, 2009
Cool perspective with the sun behind the dragon. I like the clouds. Lenny
- on March 14, 2009
Congratulations Kelly! You have earned Artsonia's Hall of Fame trophy for 2008-09 and we at Seltzer are proud of you.
- on February 22, 2009
I like the little dude that's on your ornament!
- on January 17, 2009
that is cool!!!!!!!!!!!
- on December 1, 2008
i loovvveee your drawing of the owl! it's so cute!
- on October 27, 2008
awsome!!!!!!!!!!! =]
- on October 27, 2008
I loved your details and you creativity! from your big sister kim!
- on October 27, 2008
that is so awsome!!!!!!!=] =]
- on October 27, 2008
i love it kelly!!!!
- on October 27, 2008
wow!kelly your art work is so awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =]
- on October 26, 2008
Wow! Wonderful work Kelly! I am so impress!
- on October 26, 2008
If you look at our selection of third grade art projects we really concentrated on spectrum (rainbow) order this year, didn't we?
- on May 26, 2008
thats pretty!!!!!!!!!!!
- on May 26, 2008
- on May 18, 2008
i love it
- on May 18, 2008
that is so pretty!
- on May 18, 2008
I love it!!!!!!
- on May 18, 2008
I love your bird!!
- on May 18, 2008
kelly your artwork is amazing
- on May 18, 2008
I think your art is beautiful .
- on May 18, 2008