Babe...Omg this mug is the best of your work yet!!! Such a wonderful job, you definitely got my genes for art. So proud of you my son!!!! Keep up the good work and let the imagination flow!!! Much love, Mom XO -- Heidi, MOM
- on June 21, 2018
What an awesome job sweety...the talent you have is beyond compare. Love you, XO -- Heidi
- on June 20, 2018
Jacob the mug came out beautiful. Love you. -- Nana Jane
- on June 20, 2018
Wow!!! Talk about the color choices. Great job sweety. Love to check out your work :-) Love, Mom -- Heidi, Mom
- on June 15, 2018
Jacob, I really like this, wish you finished it sweety. Its very original and antique looking. You have a lot more artist ability than you know. Great Job!!! Love, Mom -- Heidi
- on May 23, 2018
Jacob what an awesme job. Love it Nana Jane -- Jane