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Remi416's Comments
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Below are comments about Remi416's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is a very sensitive piece of art and the message is so very true. You are very talented and I know you enjoy being an artist.
- Papa Jim on May 5, 2021
Remi, I love all the colors in this piece. Looks like the heart is happy and dancing.
- Virginia on April 14, 2021
Remi This art is calm in the middle and busy around the perimeter. Shows me even though we can be really busy we can also pause for beauty. Nana ??
- Ginny(fan) on April 7, 2021
Very creative and expressive, Remi!
- Nick (Father) on April 6, 2021
Remi this is so beautiful. It reminds me of driving by orchards that are in bloom.
- Ginny(fan) on March 31, 2021
Wonderful transition from warm to cool colors, Remi. Makes me think of the flow of time or the passing of the day.
- Nick (Father) on March 22, 2021
It’s so serene, Remi. Very beautiful and peaceful.
- Nick (Father) on March 22, 2021
Great use of contrast and complementary colors, Remi!
- Nick (Father) on March 16, 2021
Beautiful work, Remi! It reminds me of how big YOUR heart is.
- Nick (Father) on March 2, 2021
Awesome landscape! It makes me want to get my feet wet on the beach then go camping in the hills, Remi!
- Nick (Father) on February 2, 2021