Shane5830's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Shane5830's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Shane, I really enjoyed looking through your art portfolio tonight. You’ve created some amazing art over the years. The colors and lines of this piece really caught my attention. I looks like layers of mountains to me. I love you, Mimi
- SHELLEY on June 7, 2023
Hi Shane, This is so colorful! I like the way you left the middle lighter in each section. It looks like rays of sunlight. I love you, Mimi
- Shelley on November 17, 2021
This looks like a strange, angry version of you, Shane. You are much more sweet and handsome than this picture. I like your creativity, though. Maybe this is an alter ego?
- Brittany (Mother) on November 22, 2019
I love the colors you used in this, Shane! that is my favorite shade of blue!
- Brittany (Mother) on November 21, 2019