Brody6295's Comments (20)

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Below are comments about Brody6295's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is interesting! Can’t wait for you to explain what is happening here. Love the colors.
- Diane on May 15, 2024
Don’t know where you get your inspiration but we enjoy watching for your new creations. Luv it & you Mema
- Diane on May 15, 2024
I love the picture and how you incorporated the ufo tractor beam pulling up the guy from the disney short!!!
- Jeff on May 15, 2024
I love the picture and how you incorporated the ufo tractor beam pulling up the guy from the disney short!!!
- Jeff on May 15, 2024
I love the picture and how you incorporated the ufo tractor beam pulling up the guy from the disney short!!!
- Jeff on May 15, 2024
I love this artwork, Brody. Lots of detail and beautiful colors.
- Diane on March 30, 2023
Thank you for sharing your latest art work. We’re excited to get these notices. The his looks like a fun project to design. We love it, Brody.
- Diane on March 30, 2023
Proud of your art work, Brody. Love to see all your beautiful projects.
- Diane on October 19, 2021
Proud of your art work, Brody. Love to see all your beautiful projects.
- Diane on October 19, 2021
Love this!!! I love the bright colors and pattern to represent the color wheel! Very cool :)
- Stefanie (Mother) on October 5, 2021
Hi Brody, We were thrilled to get the email showing us your latest artwork. We love the colors of course. G-Pa & I sent your Mom a surprise item from your artwork through the mail for Mother’s Day. We know she will be proud of it & YOU. Keep designing & we will enjoy your efforts! Have a fun day!
- Diane & Steve on October 5, 2021
We love to get your pictures of your art projects!! We hope you are having fun participating in these classes because we feel the fine arts are important for a well rounded education program. Beautiful project, Brody!!????
- Diane on October 5, 2021
Brody.... Mema loves this art work! Perfect for me to see here in FL. Love your color choices! I’m glad we get to see your school projects on line. Keep up the good work! Have a great January! Mema & G-Pa
- Diane on January 15, 2020
Thanks for sharing your latest artwork. Can’t wait to hear about it. Glad you have fun and continue to learn about so many topics. Nice job, Brody.
- Diane & Steve on October 9, 2019
So cool! DJ Marshmello!!!
- Mom on October 9, 2019
Great job! I love the reflecting moonlight off of the snowman!!! The shadow off of the snowman is great as well!
-- Jeff
- on May 8, 2019
This is so beautiful! I love the light and shadows- you represented everything so well! Love, love, love this!
-- Stefanie
- on April 14, 2019
I love this design, Brody. Proud of you. Love you.
-- Diane
- on May 8, 2019
I hope this flies by us as a sign you're close to us.
-- Diane
- on December 19, 2018
This is a great creative piece of artwork. This makes Mema and G-Pa want to live in this on the wide open plains. We are proud of you.
-- Diane
- on December 19, 2018