Sawyer2864's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Sawyer2864's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Oh my goodness! Your artwork continues to amaze us!!! Holy smokes, Sawyer- this is FANTASTIC! Keep up the great work! We love you! GP & Gma Nae
- Renee & Rick on October 31, 2019
I love your RISE artwork. I’d like to hear you tell me about it! Nice job, Sawyer! We love you!
-- Renee & Rick
- on May 22, 2019
Wow! Sawyer's artwork is incredible!I love his fresh, innovative approach to the creative process!
-- Stewart
- on April 19, 2019
Good colors and graphics, Sawyer!
-- Mary
- on April 10, 2019
Sawyer! I love your artwork! The aquarium looks like the Coral Reef we saw at Walt Disney World! What talent you have! We love you! Grandma Nae
-- Grandma Nae
- on April 10, 2019
This is fantastic, Sawyer! I can imagine these snowmen playing in a band!
-- Mary
- on December 20, 2018
I love your artwork, Sawyer. You are so talented. Keep up the awesome work!
-- Mary
- on December 20, 2018
One of the most astonishing works of art I’ve ever seen! This mask is absolutely stunning! It reminds me of some of Pablo Picasso’s early work.
-- Stewart
- on December 20, 2018
We are fascinated by your artwork! You have captured a beautiful part of their culture. Keep up the good work, Sawyer!
-- Grandma Nae & GP
- on December 11, 2018
I like this, Sawyer! You are very talented!
-- Gramma Mary
- on December 11, 2018