Amira, That's a wonderful 7 year old piece. I love it! Love your #1 fan, Mom!
- on December 11, 2007
Amira, This is your best yet! I love the colors. You live in such a bright world! Love, Mom
- on December 11, 2007
Hi, Amira Your little penguin seems very happy and he has a very big heart. Great job!! Love, Gram
- on December 11, 2007
Excellent job, Amira- keep up the good work. The Henry Family!
- on December 11, 2007
Hey Amira, I like that colorful art painting. that would be beautiful to hang in your bedroom. Tell dad to get a frame for it so everyone can see it . I wish i had one like that . Keep up the good work . You're doing really good. Love Aunt Dee.
- on December 11, 2007
Amira, I love your new picture! you must have worked hard and gotten an "A". I like it! Good job sweetie!
- on May 23, 2006
Wow Mi-Mi this a very colorful and beautiful drawing, I like it. Keep up the good work and let us know when yu draw more!! God Bless You Love Antee Kim and Family
- on May 23, 2006
Wow..... Amira I really like yours too....... its very pretty. We can't wait to see you, Kobe says hi....... Love, Uncle Gee and Auntie Cindy
- on May 23, 2006
Amira, I love the colors!! you did a beautiful job honey! Love, Jai