Liam143's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Liam143's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Liam, I think this is one of the best yet! Keep them coming!!!!!!!!! Love, Mom
- on February 1, 2008
liam you did a wonderful job on your art work, I'am so proud. Love, grandma
- on January 16, 2008
Liam, I love your art . It is beautiful!!! Keep it coming. Love, Mom
- on January 15, 2008
Liam, This mask is beautiful!!! Great work, Love Mom
- on May 23, 2007
Your drawing looks like a Picasso painting. Keep up the good work. Love grandma
- on February 2, 2007
Dear Liam, Your artwor is beautiful again, keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!! Love, Mom
- on January 31, 2007
Dear Liam, I love your tree it is beautiful!!!!!!! Keep up the great work. Love, Mom
- on January 31, 2007
Liam, This is great!!!!We love your work. We are so proud of yoy. Love Mom & Dad
- on May 15, 2006
Liam, We love your "spring frog". We are so proud of you. We know you worked really hard on it. Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!Love, Mom & Dad
- on May 15, 2006