Isaiah.....awesome job of painting on this. I really love the colors and how you painted the blue colors of the ocean. Grandpa Bleu
- Bleu on March 19, 2020
Great owl. I bet your mom LOVES this one.
- Gma Paula on March 19, 2020
LOVE the hearts. Reminds me of your BIG heart next to mine. Grandma
- Gma Paula on March 19, 2020
Hi Isaiah, This is a very good portrait of our first president, George Washington. You did an excellent job. I could tell right away who it was. Keep up the great art work. I am proud of you and I love you very much. Grams Lee
- Lee on March 2, 2020
Dear Isaiah, These hearts are really beautiful. You are amazing. I love the colors you chose. You are a very good artist and I am very proud of you. Could I please have this picture for my birthday? I love you tons and tons. Grams Lee
- Lee on March 2, 2020
Isaiah, I love the colors you used in this painting. I love the hearts. They are like your loving heart. I would love to have this painting for my birthday. I love you tons. Grams
- Lee on March 2, 2020
Hello Love, Just wanted to tell you that we love the use of colors in this painting! So proud of you. Your penguin is soooo cute! We are so happy we get to see your artwork. =) Love Aunty Ash and Chico Bryan!
- Ashley on February 24, 2020
Hello Bud! Another great work of art. I know how much you love puppies! You did a great job cutting the shapes! We like you and We love you! Aunty Ash and Uncle Bry!
- Ashley on February 24, 2020
Hey Zai! I am so proud of the artwork you are creating. Love, Love this one!! It reminds me of how loving and caring you are! I like you and I love you! Aunty Ash and Uncle Bryan!!
- Ashley on February 24, 2020
I love owls!!! So great!!!
- Becky on February 24, 2020
I love this!!! Great work, Isaiah!!
- Becky on February 24, 2020
Quack Quack Quack. I love your duck Isaiah. Cant wait to see what you make next. -- Victor
- on February 24, 2020
I love your dog. I can't wait to see what amazing picture you make next -- Victor